Top News in Dermatology 08 April 2019 (1 of 1)


A new study suggests that the sunscreen protects the blood vessel function of the skin against harmful exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation by protecting the dilation of blood vessels. Sweating on the skin can also protect the blood vessels of the skin from sun damage. The findings will be presented today at the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society (APS) on Experimental Biology 2019 in Orlando, Florida.

UV rays from the sun have been well documented as a contributing factor to skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. It has also been found that UV rays reduce the dilation of cutaneous blood vessels (vasodilatation) badociated with nitric oxide by reducing the amount of nitric oxide available in the skin. Nitric oxide is a compound essential to the health of blood vessels. Vasodilation of the blood vessels of the skin plays an important role in the regulation of body temperature and the response to heat stress, both locally in the skin and throughout the body.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have studied the effects of UV exposure with sunscreen or sweat on the ability of nitric oxide to promote vasodilation of cutaneous blood vessels. Healthy young adults with a light to medium complexion were exposed to UV rays on one arm, while the other arm served as a control and did not receive UV treatment. The dose of UV rays was roughly equivalent to spending an hour outside on a sunny day, but without blushing. Three sites of each participant's UV exposed arm were randomly badigned to one of three treatments:

  • One site received UVR only
  • A second site receives UV with a chemical sunscreen on the skin
  • A third site received UV rays with simulated perspiration on the skin

The site containing only UV light was found to have less vasodilation badociated with nitric oxide than the control arm. However, sites treated with sunscreen and with sweat do not show these reductions in vasodilation badociated with nitric oxide. "In addition, when sunscreen was applied before UV radiation, exposure to UV rays increased [nitric oxide-badociated vasodilation] compared to [the control arm]or when perspiration was on the skin, "writes the research team. The presence of sunscreen or sweat on the skin may play a protective role against this effect. [of UVR]. "

"For those who spend a lot of time working, doing exercise or participating in other outdoor activities, using sunscreen can not only protect against skin cancer, but also against the decrease in vascular function of the skin ", wrote S. Tony Wolf, MA, first author. of the study.

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