China plans to eliminate mining Bitcoin


The Chinese state planner has decided to add cryptocurrency extraction to the list of activities to be removed

Bitcoin from China

The NRDC has added the exploitation of cryptocurrency to a provisional list of industrial activities that it seeks to restrict or eliminate, to the extent that they do not comply with the laws and regulations in force, are dangerous, waste resources or pollute the environment.

But before a decision is made on this, the NRDC will seek public opinion on the issue and the public has until May 7 to comment on the project.

This is not a major surprise because China has been rather strict with regard to crypto-currencies, but seeking to totally prohibit the mining process will certainly be a step forward in relation to the decision existing. This will force at least the Chinese cryptomine companies to move their base of operations elsewhere and will reveal the attitude of the Chinese authorities towards the cryptocurrency sector (a precursor for the future as well).

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