ATEP426 Brand Names – Sometimes You Lose


Permanent disputes about brand names are not new, but Apple sees itself here with some complaints. Recently, two negotiations have ended and Apple can only win one.

From one side, Swatch complained to Apple, it was not a true brand name, but rather an advertising slogan. On the other hand, Apple was sued by RXD Media, it was the word mark iPad.

Think differently against Swatch

Swatch made an interesting statement and promoted the slogan "Tick different". Apple was too close to its own slogan "Think different" in the end, but the group could not take it here. To win, half of the respondents in Switzerland should have said they would first think of Apple on "Tick different", but the hurdle was high. It is interesting to note that Apple has already launched an attack against another manufacturer of Think, different. It was a long time ago, but Apple wanted to rethink IBM users – the company was only announcing the word "Think" for its Thinkpads.

iPad against Apple

RXD Media, meanwhile, wanted to sue for the use of the word iPad. Specifically, the group operates a cloud service, called, which eventually sold to Apple. On the contrary, RXD is no longer allowed to call his service this way.

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