Another sabotage? Gas pipelines in Tema burned by suspected arsonists | General news


Another attempt to destroy government property and protect the country's electricity supply was foiled, with unknown arsonists attempting to burn gas pipelines in the Tema enclave.

According to Nana Damoah, public relations officer at the Ministry of Energy, pipelines feed the Authority's production center in the Tema Industrial Zone.

Nana Damoah, speaking in an interview with Citi Eyewitness on Monday, said, "Last night (Sunday), security officers conducting regular checks along the pipelines serving one of the power stations in the Tema have car tires on pipelines that pbaded fuel to the production plant and burned those tires, so they burned. "

He expressed his sadness at this development, especially as it results from the destruction of pylons near the headquarters of the state-owned Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo).

Nana Damoah said: "This is becoming increasingly confusing and it is becoming increasingly sad that, faced with the challenges and efforts we are making to get the Ghanaian people out of the challenges we face, some very determined people also wish to stay. " condition for a longer period. Investigations into this development have begun. "

He badured however that the Tema incident would not cause any power failure.

Energy Minister John Peter Amewu had condemned the destruction of pylons near the headquarters of state-owned Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), calling the perpetrators "thieves" and "thieves". & # 39; "animals".

The pylons, which were destroyed on Monday, March 25, 2018, were discovered by GRIDCo staff members.

Mr. Amewu, who inspected the destruction, pointed out that there were measures to protect these facilities and other national strategic badets.

He added, however, that authorities "can not be everywhere at any time and that some of these thieves, some of our animals in our society will do things just to thwart safety."

According to him, the action of the suspects constitutes a "complete sabotage" of the work of the energy distributors.

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