Katie Price nicknamed "not normal" by her boyfriend Kris while they discuss another facelift


Katie Boyson cruelly described Katie Price as "a not-so-ordinary person," while warning her not to get a third facelift.

Speaking in the first episode of the reality show My Crazy Life, Katie confessed that she was tempted by the procedure to boost her self-confidence after her "year of hell."

But his family was strongly opposed to this idea.

"I do not rush in there, I just say I'm trying to get makeup on," Katie told Kris, stunned, and her mother, Amy.

Katie announced that she was considering signing up with the surgeon for the number three facelift

Kris said that she was not "normal"

"I think she thinks it will make her feel better when it's only temporary," said Kris.

"Of course, if, and then she'll move on," Amy sighed. Sending to Kris, Amy continued, "Kris, you really have to fix that, she needs nothing to do, it's up to you to convince her."

Sending to the camera, Kris said, "If I can get Katie to feel better about herself, she will realize that going under the knife is not the solution."

Amy says to her daughter's handsome personal trainer: "You must be strong with her, you have enough people of different bodies."

"Yes, but she's not a normal person, is not she?" Kris snapped.

Katie has undergone two face changes in 2018

Katie stunned the fans on her last trip to the cosmetics doctor when she filmed the procedure of turning the stomach around while she was still awake.

In December, we saw Katie scrambling the words as she was talking to the camera while a surgeon cut her sides of the face and kept the flesh apart.

"So I'm here and I have absolutely no pain," she said in the movie.

"Even though my mouth is numb, I can not feel anything, it's brilliant even if I talk too much."

Katie is believed to have undergone the procedure to repair another missed facelift in April.

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