A doctor who was dragged from a United Airlines flight to the United States finally breaks the silence


Just two years after his pbadenger, David Dao, was dragged shouting from his seat on a United Airlines flight to the United States, he broke his silence, saying that he had shed many tears as a result of this incident.

Dao's case caught the world's attention in 2017 when he was forced to leave an overbooked flight at the Chicago O'Hare International Airport, resulting in a concussion, a broken nose and two missing teeth, according to ABC News.

Dao, who has not spoken publicly about the incident since the event, said Tuesday (Wednesday NZT) on ABC Hello America only when he saw the video footage for the first time: "I just cried."

Nevertheless, Dao said that he had forgiven the airline as well as the security guards who had dragged him in the driveway and returned to the airport terminal.

* A US pbadenger, David Dao, broke his nose and lost his teeth
* New videos show moments before officers drag pbadenger David Dao out of United flight
* The United pbadenger who was dragged from the plane says that he is still in the hospital

"I'm not mad at them," he says. "They have a job to do, they have to do it, if they do not do it, they have to lose their job, so I'm not mad at them or anything like that."

Dao said that he had decided to express himself publicly in order to thank those standing behind him.

The doctor stated that he had flown on April 9, 2017 to prepare to return home to Kentucky, where he was planning to open a free clinic for US veterans, according to the newspaper. ABC News. He did not survive. The flight was overbooked and, as he refused to give up his seat, he was dragged out of the plane.

Dr. David Dao was forced to leave a plane after refusing to leave his seat.


Dr. David Dao was forced to leave a plane after refusing to leave his seat.

Dao told ABC News that he had never expected the meeting to be physical, but once that happened, everything degenerated "quickly".

Another pbadenger, Tyler Bridges, told The Washington Post in 2017, travelers were informed that they would receive booking vouchers, but, failing agreement, the airline began selecting people and asking them to leave.

The Washington Post Avi Selk reported it this way at the time:

A young couple was invited to leave first, recalled Bridges. "They got up reluctantly and left," he said.

Then an older man who refused.

He said, "No. I will not get off the plane. I am a doctor and I have to see the patients tomorrow morning, "said Bridges.

The man got angry as the manager persisted, Bridges said, eventually screaming. "He said more or less:" I'm selected because I'm Chinese. "

A police officer boarded. Then a second and a third.

The bridges then began recording, just like another pbadenger, while the officers leaned toward the man, one person at his window.

"Can not they rent a car for the pilots?" asks another pbadenger in the videos.

Then the man, out of the frame, screams.

One of the officers quickly reaches two empty seats, catches the man and pulls him into the aisle.

"My God!" someone screams – not for the first time.

He will limp after touching the ground.

"It looked like he was knocked out," Bridges said. "His nose was bleeding."

His glbades almost hit his face, the man took his cell phone while one of the policemen was pulling him by the arms in the aisle and on the plane.

"It's horrible," says someone.

"What are you doing? No! It's wrong."

And with that, said Bridges, four United employees boarded and took empty seats.

Oscar Munoz, CEO of United Airlines, is excused for a series of failures that led to the forced eviction of pbadenger David Dao on April 9.

Oscar Munoz, CEO of United Airlines, is excused for a series of failures that led to the forced eviction of pbadenger David Dao on April 9.

Dao said ABC News Tuesday, he woke up in the hospital and did not know that his story had become viral for a while.

Then, in the face of a general outcry, falling stock prices and an agreement with the airline, he said that the attention of the media had become too difficult to manage. "Get right to the point, I have to hide," he said. ABC News, explaining that he had to go underground. "I stay for months, months in the house."

United Airlines said in a statement Tuesday at The post office that the incident was "a decisive moment" for the company.

"It is our responsibility to ensure that our company and our 90,000 employees continue to learn from this experience," airline spokeswoman Megan McCarthy said in a statement.

"The changes we have made since this incident serve our customers better and empower our employees, and this year we are focusing more than ever on our commitment to our customers, looking at every aspect of our business. our activities to keep their interests safe As our CEO, Oscar Munoz, said, we never want United family members to forget the experience of Flight 3411. This makes us a better airline, a business. more caring and a stronger team. "

In the interview with ABC NewsDao said he is happy that the airline has taken action.

"The most important thing is that the accident has turned out to be positive," he said.

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