If your body has these 7 reactions, you may not want to drink alcohol at night


Nothing like relaxing with a glbad of wine after a week that never seemed to end. But you may want to think back to that late-night drink if you notice that you do not feel well the next day. Experts say that the effects of drinking at night are to be taken into account if your body has specific reactions. Beyond the pesky hangover, drinking excessively at night can affect your body in a way that will make you pbad the nightcap.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 86.4 % of people aged 18 and over reported having ever consumed alcohol during their lifetime. " It is likely that you will meet a drink or two in the evening after work and during the weekend. But when is it time to stop?

Drinking later in the evening is when your body can feel reactions. Listen to your gut. Licensed nutritionist Liz Wyosnick, MS, RDN, explains to Bustle: "For many people, a glbad of wine with a dinner can provide pleasant and relaxing relief, but saying yes to a second glbad of wine can dramatically disrupt sleep. In addition – the principle is wrong, alcohol late in the evening can help you fall asleep, but not stay asleep. "Drinking too late can prevent your body from getting the necessary regenerative rest it needs, as well as a series of reactions that indicate you should not drink alcohol at night.

1. To wake up from sleep

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If drinking stops you from drinking, then you should consider not drinking at night. Wyosnick states, "When the liver metabolizes alcohol, that is, it acts by detoxifying it, it can result in a waking sensation because alcohol contains calories (although no nutrients are present) and, in general, it's time to take energy from the calories ingested.to put it to use. "All this energy could baffle your body. Even if you're sure you're not ready to start the day, your body might think differently.

2. night sweats

Ashley Batz / Bustle

If you sleep too hot, it may be because of the last bottle of beer. "The metabolism of alcohol by the liver can also lead to warming in some people, and they may be prone to night sweats at the same time as they wake up," Wyosnick says. "Everyone metabolizes alcohol at different speeds, but if you wake up in the middle of the night (4 to 5 hours) after lying down, reduce the volume of alcohol at night and make sure you good drinking is not too late to allow the liver to metabolize the substance before bedtime. "Alcohol takes time to break down in the system. If you drink too late in the evening, it could lead to dreadful night sweats.

3. constipation

Ashley Batz / Bustle

It is crucial for your system to drink water. The more alcohol you consume, the more difficult it is to poop, and constipation can lead to uncomfortable situations. "At night, sleeping and breathing normally, we lose a lot of water – 1 to 2 liters," says Wyosnick. "If you go to bed dehydrated after a few drinks and no water, this can open the door to a morning headache and slow digestion." If you have trouble riding, think back to the glbad of your choice. Tea or water might be your best choice.

4. headache

Andrew Zaeh / Bustle

This throbbing sensation in the head can be blamed on drinking alcohol in the evening. As Wyosnick says, dehydration due to excessive alcohol consumption and low water consumption may mean that you should stop drinking at night. If your body reacts to alcohol with a string of these, you should consider skipping the last glbades of wine and opting instead for a chamomile tea.

5. redness

Ashley Batz / Bustle

Look closely in the mirror the next morning after drinking at night. The answers could be in your thinking. "Alcohol gets dehydrated and can therefore reduce skin moisture and increase puffiness in the areas around the eyes," says Dr. Hadley King, a dermatologist at NYC in Bustle. "It also causes peripheral vasodilatation of the blood vessels, which can make your skin look red and, over time, lead to visible telangiectasias or what people commonly call" broken blood vessels. "This could also lead to pesky thrusts.

6. Diarrhea

Ashley Batz / Bustle

If constipation is not your problem, you could be on the opposite side of the spectrum. According to nutritionist Lisa Richards, "The most immediate effect of alcohol consumption, particularly in people whose microbiome is weakened, is diarrhea.If your intestine reacts badly to alcohol, you may need to Going to the bathroom once or twice during the night.This is a sign that your instinct is unbalanced and a clear indicator that you should reduce your alcohol consumption. "Evening drinking could hurt to the health of your gut, which could lead to unpleasant side effects.

7. Excessive gas or peptic ulcers

Andrew Zaeh / Bustle

Dr. Laura Catena, fourth-generation physician and winemaker, tells Bustle: "Drinking at night can cause or aggravate gastritis or peptic ulcer disease." However, she suggests, there are ways to minimize the risks of this effect. Dr. Catena said, "When alcohol is consumed with food and at a slow pace, gastric side effects are minimized.The combination of wine and food is the key." Foods allow alcohol to metabolize, thus avoiding serious side effects. But if you have ruthless ulcers and belching, maybe it's worth not drinking until the evening.

Relaxing the day with friends during an hour of conviviality is commonplace. But for personal well-being, it's important to know when Stop. Especially if you know that your body will react in a way that will leave you feeling uncomfortable the next day.

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