"A value-for-money audit" in a $ 2 billion Sinohydro project, shocks NDC


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Ghanaians could be hired if the government proceeds with a $ 2 billion Sinohydro project without a financial badessment to determine if it got value for money, the opposition said in Parliament.

And there is also no written legal opinion on the project that should provide a social infrastructure, said a deputy of the National Democratic Congress for the Adaklu constituency in the Volta region .

MP Kwame Agbodza, the spokesperson for the minority on roads and transport, leads the CND in reminding the government that both documents are required by law.

Result for kwame agbodza
Photo: Governor Kwame Agbodza

The government is preparing to order a Sinohydro project worth $ 2 billion which, according to the NDC, is unaudited value for money.

Minority deputies also said that the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice had not formulated legal opinions on the project. And these two documents are not claimed by the minority but by the law, said Kwame Agbodza.

The Sinhydro project is expected to be inaugurated on Wednesday as the Akufo-Addo government unveils its signature infrastructure plan – at China's expense.

Over the next three years, Ghana must have a functioning bauxite processing plant used to process raw materials as payment for the red dragon investment.

MPs rushed the project, which received parliamentary approval in a NPP-controlled chamber last July.

Image Result for Sinohydro Project: $ 2 Billion
Photo: The agreements were sealed after the bilateral talks of Presidents Nana Addo Akufo-Addo and Xi Jinping in September 2018.

In December 2018, the House approved the first $ 646.6 million that Sinohydro would borrow to fund a large number of projects.

The facility has a term of 15 years, a grace period of three years and a repayment period of 12 years.

Sinhydro Corporation, in accordance with the provisions of the Framework Project Support Agreement, will finance and build The roads of downtown Accra and Kumasi, the Tamale Interchange, the Takoradi PTC roundabout interchange and the Adenta-Dodowa dual lane.

Sunyani and Cape Coast City Center Roads, Modernization of Certain Roads in Ashanti and West Regions, Rehabilitation of Oda-Ofoase-Abirem Road and Hohoe-Jasikan-Dodi Road Pepesu.

But the minority spokesman called the road construction "the most expensive in Ghana" expected.

Kwame Agbodza said that an "ordinary" road costing $ 500 million would go to $ 1.2 million under the project. There are several projects "hyper-inflated" in the agreement "full of so many irregularities," he said.

He said the government was giving up the promise of providing skeptical MPs, a value-for-money audit and a legal opinion from the government's legal adviser. "It was approved on this condition," said Adaklu MP.

But to date, these documents are missing "significantly," said the MP, shocked by the fact that the government would go ahead with the agreement without being accountable to Parliament.

"I do not remember the last time this House approved a construction contract without offering good value for money, "said Kwame Agbodza to what he called an unusual twist.

The minority spokesperson for Roads and Transport warned Sinohydro Corporation, an NDC government could consider the contract as null and void. "One day, they will be asked to report on the validity of their agreement with the government, "he told Joseph Opoku Gakpo of JoyNews.

The former chairman of the government's insurance commission and MPP MP Manso Adubia admitted that the two documents had not been provided. "It seems that something is wrong and that people will be a bit concerned," he told the reporter.

But, he said while waiting for these documents to be provided, the government should proceed with the construction. The MP of the NPP said that Ghanaians "must insist" on these documents "but that this should not be at the expense of the project".

"All these things can not be ready at the same time because the process is quite long"

"Time is running out" (…) if you waste so much time on these other details, the construction will suffer, "he said. Parliament should get up on Friday for the Easter holidays.

The vice president, Mr. Mahamudu Bawumia, who was leading the Sinohydro agreement that he described as "innovative", "innovative", should cut the construction work as planned at the beginning of the first quarter of 2019.

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