Teeth whitening products that damage teeth: study


It's easy to get a brilliant white smile with over-the-counter teeth whitening products, but a new study says they can damage the deeper layers of your teeth.

Researchers at Stockton University, New Jersey, claim that the hydrogen peroxide present in these products damages dentin, the layer beneath the enamel. They found that hydrogen peroxide at concentrations similar to bleaching products damages the collagen proteins in dentin.

According to a statement, the findings of the team are different from previous research that did not focus on how hydrogen peroxide damages collagen proteins in dentin. The study is not yet published and will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology this week.

So, what does this mean for the average consumer, given that millions of dollars are spent on laundering products?

Probably nothing, according to Dr. John Grbic, professor of dentistry and director of the Division of Basic Sciences at the College of Dentistry at Columbia University. Grbic, who was not badociated with the study, says researchers already know that hydrogen peroxide damages dentin and enamel. However, Grbic says the results are not clinically relevant, which means that these studies do not offer information that impacts our lives.

"If it's not clinically relevant [then] who cares ?, "he asks.

Grbic says it's safe to whiten teeth with over-the-counter products as long as you follow the instructions.

"One of the problems with whitening products is that people have unrealistic expectations," he says. Often, people expect teeth as white as those of Hugh Jackman. And when that does not happen, consumers buy another kit and try again, he says.

Conclusion: Most dentists prefer in-office treatments, but home kits are safe, provided you follow all the instructions and use a fluoride toothpaste afterwards, which strengthens the teeth, says Grbic.

"Is there potential [for damage]? Yes. Is it likely? No, "he says.

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