ATEP427 AirPower – possible reasons for setting


At the end of last week, Apple surprisingly announced the halt of development of AirPower. Now, there are first of all details about possible reasons as well as new statements from experts.

The setting of the AirPower was then surprising for many, especially because Apple has emphasized it on the packaging of AirPods 2. Not only have we thought about it in our podcast, but we now have an idea of ​​what could be the reason.

Not approved by the FCC

Maybe Apple wanted to publish the props but – but the authorities could have foiled the company. AirPower should use a large number of Qi coils. These generate not only heat, but also a large electromagnetic field that could interfere with other materials. The security authorities could have prevented a release here.

Analysts – is there no drama?

Various badysts, including a former Apple consultant, traditionally find a major drama in this type of operations. In the end, we are rather happy that the product has also been abandoned. Apple would not be the first manufacturer to encounter energy management issues. Better not AirPower than flared bedside tables (or worse).

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