Amnesty: The smallest number of prisoners executed in 2018 | New


At least 690 prisoners were executed in 20 countries in 2018, a decrease of 31% from 993 at least compared to the previous year, according to the report. Amnesty International who reported the least death by capital punishment for at least a decade.

Last year, 2,531 death sentences were also handed down in 54 countries, compared to 2,591 in 2017 worldwide, according to a report released Wednesday by the UK's rights group, which welcomed the significant decline in executions worldwide.

As in previous years, China, where thousands of people would be clbadified as a state secret, remained the most prolific executor, said Amnesty, followed by Iran, the United Nations, and the United States. Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Iraq, accounting for 78% of reported executions. .

"It is very encouraging to see that the known executions were the lowest at the end of 2018, but it is difficult to clearly define the reasons for these cuts and whether these cuts will be maintained in the coming years," Oluwatosin said. Popoola, Amnesty International's advisor on the death penalty. , told Al Jazeera.

Executions in Iran fell by 50 per cent in 2018 as a result of changes in drug laws that increased the minimum quantity of drugs for capital offenses. As a result of this change, the executions were suspended while the cases were being investigated.

Iraq, which has executed at least 52 people, and Pakistan, which killed more than 14, have also shown a downward trend. At the same time, Somalia has almost halved its executions, from 24 in 2017 to 13 last year.

The Amnesty International report comes after the London-based NGO, Harm Reduction International (HRI), revealed a 68% drop in executions worldwide for drug-related crimes, which are from 288 to 91 in 2018.

Popoola said that "if the overall figures of executions undoubtedly tell a positive story for 2018, there are also disturbing developments that show that it is not yet time to lift the pressure".

"The death penalty continued to be used in many cases contrary to international law and international standards in the absence of a fair trial and for non-lethal crimes such as drugs, "he said.

Amnesty has seen an increase in executions in Japan, Singapore, South Sudan, Belarus and the United States.

The registered methods of execution are beheading in Saudi Arabia, electrocution in the United States, hanging, lethal injection and shooting in other countries.

Calls for reform in Pakistan

After a 77% drop in executions, Pakistan has not been ranked among the top five countries of executionor the first time in four years.

While "the dramatic decline in the number of executions is encouraging," Pakistan was "far from structural reforms," ​​according to the newspaper. Sarah Belal, Executive Director of Rights Group Justice Pakistan Project (JPP).

"This drop in the number of executions can not be seen as a correction of Pakistan's heinous past of pronouncing death sentences and executing mentally ill, underage and wrongly convicted persons," he said. Belal.

According to the report of Amnesty International, at least 250 people have been sentenced to death in Pakistan, an increase of 25% over 2017.

With more than 4,600 people waiting for execution, according to data received by JPP, Pakistan is one of the world's largest sentenced to death.

In a high-profile case last year, Aasia Bibi, a Christian, was acquitted of blasphemy and released from prison after eight years on death row.

The October Supreme Court verdict sparked days of protests by right-wing religious groups, death threats and chaos across the country.

Belal, of JPP, said that this historic case was not only a good precedent, but also an "indictment of Pakistan's disproportionate use of the death penalty against more vulnerable ".

Pakistani protesters burn image of Christian woman Aasia Bibi in Hyderabad, Pakistan [File: Pervez Masih/AP]

She said her organization was working with the new government to reform the process of petition for pardon and reduce the number of offenses punishable by death, currently at 33, among others.

"Closer to abolition"

At the same time, many countries have taken steps towards abolition last year, Amnesty said.

In June, Burkina Faso abolished the death penalty for ordinary crimes, while The Gambia and Malaysia declared an official moratorium on executions.

No execution has been reported in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Palestine and the United Arab Emirates.

In December, a record number of 121 countries at the UN General Assembly voted in favor of establishing a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing punishment.

As in 2017, the total number of countries that had abolished the death penalty in law for all crimes was 106 at the end of the year.

"Only a minority of countries in the world are actively using the death penalty today, so we are closer to the complete and comprehensive abolition of the death penalty, more than ever before," Amnesty added. International.

But with more than 19,000 death row inmates worldwide, Popoola said more was needed to end "the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment that has no place in the world." 21st century ".

"We can not afford to rest on our laurels, but continue to call on countries that use the death penalty to abolish this punishment."

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