We can not allow the appearance of Miss Ghana to appear – Deputy Minister of Tourism


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Dr. Ziblim Iddi, Vice Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, described Miss Ghana's pageantry as the pride of the country.

Dr. Ziblim, who launched the 2019 Miss Ghana Arrangement, praised the executive director and event organizer, Inna Patty.

"It is true that over the years, the parade has undergone a transformation and its own challenges, but I congratulate Inna for his courage, his resilience. [and] for its tenacity in ensuring that this brand exists, "he said.

The deputy minister added that the ministry was impressed by the work of Miss Ghana which, according to him, favored the growth of tourism.

He explained that the pageant helps promote tourism and the country, making it not only for the ministry but for the whole country.

Dr. Ziblim called for public support and promotion of the contest because "It's an authentic Ghanaian contest that we must all support."

"In the last two years of this ministry, we sat, watched, watched and concluded that it was a national badet that we could not let fall," he said.

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