RWANDA GENOCIDE: AIDS victims train rape squads, pirated children in front of their parents | World | New


Some 10,000 innocent people were slaughtered every day in the African country during a three-month ethnic slaughter from April 7 to July 15, 1994. The genocide would eventually kill 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus murdered in cold blood. by former neighbors, lovers and friends – who inexplicably transformed cold-blooded killers as members of the Hutu extremist militia overnight. The victims were killed with machetes, burned alive, clubbed and shot.

The staggering agonies that affected nearly a million men, women and children in 100 days of hate-filled carnage included:

– AIDS patients released from hospitals to form "rape squads" to infect Tutsi women, many of whom would give birth to babies infected with HIV and AIDS.

– Children whose limbs were torn from their bodies in front of their parents, bound by a militia handling machetes and forced to watch. Many inhumane killers were their neighbors a few days ago.

– Priests and nuns betraying Tutsis who had sought refuge in their churches to protect themselves. Hiding the Tutsi would be wiped out en mbade as their location was unveiled.

This week, Rwanda and the world remember the lives of those who died on the 25th anniversary of the genocide on April 7, 1994.

The badbadinations were caused by the death of Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana, whose plane was reportedly shot dead by Tutsis the previous day.

Rwandans gathered Sunday for a commemoration led by President Paul Kagame, in which a flame of hope was lit and a wreath laid on the site of the Gisozi Genocide Memorial where 250,000 people are buried.

In July 1994, Mr. Kagame brought the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) of Uganda to overthrow the extremists and seize the country.

The survivors explained how their daily mental struggles persisted to find out what was going on.

Edith – this is not her real name – told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that the Kamonyi district militia in southern Rwanda had visited her.

She said, "My four brothers and my sister were killed during the genocide. This commemoration is important and we must remember it.

"But when I hear songs or poems on the radio, I remember hiding in the forest and how the militia men came with their machetes and found me.

"I remember how they took turns to rape me – and how they impregnated me."

Yesterday, officials took part in a "walk to remember" between the parliament and the national football stadium with 2,000 people.

At least 10 heads of state were present at the commemoration, which resulted in a candlelight vigil.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who was represented by the Tutsi survivor and French Member of Parliament Hervé Berville.

France is accused of being complicit in the bloodshed by arming the Hutu militia and then helping them escape, which President Macron denies.

Governor General of Canada Julie Payette and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker were also present.

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