Al Jazeera wins record prize at New York Prize Festival | New


Al Jazeera Media Network has garnered a record number of awards at the prestigious New York Festivals TV & Films awards, including the year's broadcaster award for Al Jazeera English, which it has won for the third year in a row .

The judges awarded 18 gold, 17 silver and 14 bronze medals to the Qatar – based network at the ceremony held in New York on Tuesday, bringing the total to 49.

Among the winners, 101 East, the weekly news program of the English Channel on Asia and the Pacific, and the Al Jazeera investigation unit, which recently put on the day of talks between the Australian One Nation and the powerful US National Rifle Association pressure group to loosen arms laws in the Pacific island nation.

The witness documentary Witness and the environmental issue Earthrise were also rewarded at the awards ceremony.

Giles Trendle, general manager of Al Jazeera's English division, said the network's awards constituted "a gratifying validation by our industry peers of the professionalism of our work and the importance of that." that we do".

"Around the world, our journalists work day and night to inform and empower people with accurate, impartial and independent content," Trendle said.

"This is not an easy job.We are facing challenges in the context of escalating attacks against journalists and media organizations."

According to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the number of journalists and media workers killed in the line of duty has increased further in 2018 to 94, reversing the downward trend of the previous three years.

The Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), a US-based NGO, estimated that 251 journalists were jailed last year, with Turkey, China, and Egypt repre- more than half of the journalists put in prison.

Al Jazeera's Arab journalist, Mahmoud Hussein, spent more than two years in an Egyptian prison without formal charges.

"Human stories"

The New York Festivals TV & Films competition honors programs of all lengths and shapes from more than 50 countries.

This year's grand jury consisted of eminent international leaders from the television and film industry from more than 30 countries on six continents.

This year also marked his New York Festivals debut for Al Jazeera's digital division with AJ Shorts, specializing in documentary shorts about ordinary people under extraordinary circumstances, who won two gold medals. and a bronze medal.

Director of Digital Innovation Carlos Van Meek described the awards as "a great privilege to tell the stories of incredible people from different parts of the world".

"Al Jazeera Digital strives to keep human stories at the heart of its content. It is encouraging to see our efforts appreciated, "he added.

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