Instagram influence Jessy Taylor said her account being deleted felt like murder


  • Jessy Taylor had an Instagram account with over 100,000 followers, but she said it was spam and it was taken down.
  • Taylor told INSIDER the online hate comes from her past controversies and public arguments with people, but she is trying to be a better person and apologizes for her past.
  • She also said her account being taken down like "a murder."
  • Taylor said other influencers act the same way, but when she tries to be controversial she gets hate.
  • "I'm a hateful person, I'm a Sagittarius," she said. "I can not control what other people think of me … All I can do is move forward, and put out new content, and be true to myself."
  • Visit for more stories.

A week ago, Instagram influence Jessy Taylor uploaded to a video to YouTube where she has broken it down. She is not a good person, but she does not have the "skills" for a normal job, and is trying to be a "f —— better person."

The video "STOP REPORTING MY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT" currently has about 800 likes to 11,000 dislikes, and comments about reading "This is exactly what you're looking for," and "Get a job, you entitled tramp."

Taylor, 21, who mostly posted selfies and pictures of her in her bikinis on her old account, believes this hatred is the main reason her Instagram account was deleted.

"It was not reported from posting nasty photos," she told INSIDER. "It was reported from having haters."

Taylor said that $ 500,000 from her account over three years, "that money does not last."

"You go to the Gucci store a few times, you pay a couple of months … I'm not rich like I used to be," she added.

Taylor has faced controversy before, which she did not want to talk about on record. However, she did say that she apologizes for her disorder with law enforcement.

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"That was not from the bottom of my heart," she said. "At the time I did not have that many followers, so I think I can get more followers."

Jessy Taylor.
Jessy Taylor

Taylor said she was mimicking the behavior of other controversial influencers, who can say whatever they want and still maintain their popularity. Except, in this case, it did not pay off.

"It feels like everyone is after me for no reason," she told INSIDER. "What's their reason for not liking me?" They've never got me in. How can you get away from a computer? "

Taylor worked as a stripper for three and a half years, which gave her a thick skin, but she still can not understand why she does not like it.

"I'm a hateful person, I'm a Sagittarius," she said. "I do not get jealous, I can not tell you about it, I'm not a hateful jealous person."

But she also said people might have a problem with the way she "keeps it too real."

"My friends say I can not just say exactly what I think of people," she said. "Well, why the f — not?"

Taylor told INSIDER his Instagram being a slit like "a murder," and that the person was instrumental in taking it down.

"I felt like it was a homicide," she said. "Like somebody murdered me and then went online to say 'I murdered this girl.'

"I called the police actually and told them about this, and they said that you can not compare it, and I was like, no, that's exactly what it felt like."

Taylor was given a new account by one of his fans, which has about 8,000 followers currently. But she said Instagram has blocked her from posting for a month, and she's wary of using the platform now anyway. She said she'd rather focus on her YouTube channel, which has about 5,000 subscribers.

"Basically, when you do YouTube you can go anywhere," she said. "I want to save some money and possibly move to the UK."

She likes the UK because she believes the people are less judgmental, and that's where her bigger fanbase is. Also, the "guys are hotter there."

"I see why Lindsay Lohan moved to another country," she added. "Because Americans are haters."

Taylor admits she has made mistakes, and that having a big following gives her an ego boost, which could be problematic.

"I turned into a mean person when I had my account," she said. "If people would try it with me I would use it to say 'you need to understand who the f — you're talking to.'"

Now she wants to focus on her.

"I can not control what other people think of me," she said. "All I can do is move forward, and put out new content, and be true to myself."

INSIDER has reached out for Instagram.

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