10 Things All Healthy Couples Do Every Day


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In the end, the power to transform your marriage is in your hands.

All relationships are unique but all require one thing: hard work.

There are many tips on relationships, from articles to videos. But after more than 20 years as a marriage counselor to senior executives and their families, I have found that success at work can also translate into martial and committed relational success.

Healthy relationships require so much work and effort to succeed. In marriage in particular, hard work does not stop at the wedding. It continues until "death separates us".

Whether you are a couple or married, it is important that both partners do their fair share and lift their weight to last a long time.

If you can devote as much effort to building your career as learning a healthy relationship, you will achieve the same success.

Here are 10 ways to apply your hard work ethic to healthy and successful relationships.

1. Take responsibility for the health of your relationship

You and your spouse are responsible for the state of your marriage.

Recognize that your beliefs, choices and behaviors all play a role in your relationship and strive to make decisions that strengthen your connection.

2. Present the behaviors you hope to see at your spouse

If you want to be with a kind, caring and hardworking person, you must also adopt these attributes.

Lay the foundation for a successful marriage by acting in ways that make you proud. Show your spouse that you love him and respect him to nurture your relationship.

3. Give more than you hope to receive

Treat your partner as you would like to be treated – and make extra effort.

Be the example, even if you do not believe that your spouse gives back what you put in the marriage. Live without waiting for reciprocity.

4. Determine who you are

The clarity on who you are and where you are heading brings a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

By discussing what you want and encouraging your spouse to do the same, you will build a framework to evaluate the desired results.

5. Continue to develop your relational skills

Few couples have taken the time to actively improve their relationship skills.

However, it is important that you work to continually strengthen your link.

6. Advocate for your marriage or commitment

Society admits that spouses should consider divorce when things are no longer "fun" or "easy".

Rather than accepting this perspective, consider your marriage as the most important relationship you have. Remember that your union is sacred.

7. Commit to your partner

Marriage is an investment not only in your partner, but also in your relationship.

Even when things get tough, honor your commitment by providing the work you need to keep your marriage healthy.

8. Aim for personal growth

The challenges we face help us learn and grow. Couples who stay together during difficult times report that their marriages are happier and stronger.

Aim to improve and your wedding will also improve.

9. Learn from other successful relationships

Those who have not witnessed other happy marriages or engaged relationships often have difficulties with their own relationships.

Do not forget that your example will give future generations a framework for their own success.

10. Do not forget that anything is possible

If you want to enjoy a successful marriage, you must put the time to nurture your relationship. This will not happen in an organic way, nor will your next increase or promotion. Identify your goals and make every effort to achieve them.

In the end, the power to transform your marriage is in your hands. This is the result of the actions you take because you have considerable power over your thoughts and attitudes.

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