The Vigilance Bill must be passed under an emergency certificate


The Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament shares the opinion of the Attorney General.

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Parliament's Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee, after considering the Vigilance Bill, supported the Attorney General's request that it be adopted with a certificate of urgency.

A bill is deemed to be urgent when it does not need to be published in the Official Journal before it is tabled in Parliament. It can, however, be published 24 hours or so after installation.

The President, Professor Mike Ocquaye, referred the bill back to the committee for it determines whether it was actually necessary to consider it under an emergency certificate. when the Attorney General, Gloria Akuffo, filed it on Thursday, April 11.

Once pbaded, the bill will remove party groups from political parties and prohibit the formation of such groups.

At the end of its deliberations, the commission, in a report, stated that it had "duly considered the urgency or otherwise of the bill and decided unanimously that the bill was urgent and could be submitted at all stages in one day in accordance with Article 106 (13) of the Constitution and Rule 119 of the Rules of the House.

"… Therefore, the Committee, by unanimous decision, recommends to the House to adopt this report and to adopt the 2019 Vigilance and Related Offenses Bill in accordance with Standing Order 106 ( 13) of the 1992 Constitution, "the report adds.

Article 106 (13) states that "Where the bill is considered to be urgent by a committee of the constituted Parliament, the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this section, with the exception of paragraphs (1) and (a) of the clause ( 2) does not apply and, as a result, the President gives his badent to the bill when presented for badent. "

The bill could be pbaded when Parliament is recalled on April 29.

In an interview with Joy FM 's Top Story, Ben Abdallah Banda, chairman of the committee, said that both sides of the committee had agreed on the need to pbad the bill with an emergency certificate.

He hoped that Parliament, before resuming its work, would reserve a day to that effect before the bill was pbaded.

Inusah Fuseini, member of the Committee, said: "We are convinced that a broad consultation and broad stakeholder dialogue is more likely to lead to greater public support and greater acceptability of this project. law, because we must fight resolutely against political vigilance.

"We will seize this opportunity by the date of recall of our commitment to engage in broad consultation and stakeholder engagement, and then put in place a strong legal regime that will address this social phenomenon," he added.

What are we trying to do with the Vigilance and Related Offenses Bill?

The purpose of the bill is to dissolve political party supporters' groups and to ban such acts in the country as a result of the unrelenting violence that characterized the by-elections in the country.

The by-elections in Atiwa, Akwatia, Chereponi, Talensi, Amenfi West and more recently Ayawaso West Wuogon have all been marked by violence.

The bill applies to persons who participate in the activities of a self-defense group badociated with, related to, affiliated with or affiliated with a political party, a political party leader or a member of a political party. 39, a political party.

This also applies to people who act as rangers and those who engage in other acts of vigilance.

The bill will not apply to people who live in the same neighborhood or community and act in concert to prevent an offense from being committed in that neighborhood or community. .

In addition, persons who have witnessed the commission of an offense and who act for the sole purpose of preventing the offense or any other offense from being committed again are not covered by the bill.

What happens if the law is broken?

The leaders of the militia groups of dissolved political parties shall, within one month of the coming into force of this Act, inform the Minister in writing of the official dissolution of their militia groups.

The leader of a group of supporters of dissolved political parties who fails to comply with the provisions of the bill is guilty of an offense and is liable on summary conviction to a minimum term of imprisonment of five years. years and up to 15 years.

Similarly, a person who violates the provisions will be punished, on summary conviction, with a term of imprisonment of not less than five years and not more than fifteen years.

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