Greek woman gives birth to a healthy baby with innovative technique – Xinhua


ATHENS, April 12 (Xinhua) – A Greek woman from the port of Piraeus gave birth to a baby in good health this week thanks to an innovative technique developed by Greek and Spanish experts that could help more couples around the world suffering from infertility, Greek national The press agency NAMA reported on Friday.

"I still have a hard time believing it, I take it in my arms and I cry, it seems incredible," Matina Karavokyri told AMNA, explaining that after many unsuccessful in vitro efforts, she is became a mother using the donor egg of another woman without a nucleus.

"Four attempts, the next solution was to use a donor egg, then I was given the choice to try this new method and I did not think about it anymore." My dream came true "said the woman who was suffering from a problem of endometriosis due to mutations. in its mitochondrial DNA.

Karavokyri explained that the core of his own egg containing all his genetic material had been removed from the mitochondria and inserted into a donor egg whose nucleus had been removed and contained only healthy mitochondria. The doctors then fertilized her with her husband's sperm.

"It does not contain anything from a third person.The baby is ours to one hundred percent," she said, dismissing the words of a baby of three parents.

Karavokyri expressed his deep gratitude to the unidentified donor. "I would also like to meet her, but it is not allowed, I would like to thank her very much, and I wish her every success," she said.

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