Building a state-of-the-art recycling plant in all regions – Ministers in Zoomlion


Company News of Monday, April 15, 2019



Zoomlion Ministers Some of the ministers inspecting the factory

Regional Ministers visited Zoomlion Thursday, which recently commissioned a state-of-the-art facility for the manufacture of integrated recycling and composting facilities, and also called for the immediate installation of this facility in each region. to help manage waste and create jobs for young people.

The facility, located in Accra's waste collection facility, an industrial hub for the recovery of waste into reusable products, has a high recovery rate (up to 90% of mixed waste) and processing capacity 200 metric tons of waste per year. day and nearly 100 tons of compost a day to support agricultural and horticultural businesses.

This facility inspection visit follows the announcement of Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, Executive Chairman of the Jospong Group of Companies and owner of Zoomlion Ghana Limited, to replicate the factory facility. recycling in the 16 regions as part of efforts to support the industrialization of government. program to create jobs for youth teeming with youth across the country at the inauguration ceremony of the Integrated Recycling and Composting Plant (iReCop) in Accra last week.

Plant manager Emmanuel Oteng said the plant is built on robust technology and can produce 100 tonnes of organic compost a day to replace more than 864,000 bags of imported chemical fertilizer in Ghana each year. the Ghanaian economy.

He said that the socio-economic and job creation benefits of the facility are enormous, with each factory providing direct and indirect jobs to more than 1,000 young people in the regions.

He added that the country's foreign exchange savings would yield significant savings as 216,000 bags of compost would be produced annually per plant, which would provide an additional boost to the government's planting program for food and employment. .

The Greater Accra Regional Minister, who led the delegation to the establishment, said he was enthusiastic about the fact that the facility is a timely intervention to create jobs and sustainably manage waste.

The factory, which began mbad recovery and recycling of waste since it was put into service a few days ago, was actively receiving waste from various tricycle operators located in Agbogbloshie and surrounding areas.

Additional waste treatment facilities will convert the facility into a variety of wastes, such as tires, electronic waste, metals and waste, among others, into reusable products.

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