Teachers to speak less, students to talk more in the new program


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the National Council of Curriculum and Evaluation said he wanted to see Ghanaian students go from teaching to exams and announced changes in the curriculum to reflect this goal.

Dr. Prince Armah, Executive Secretary of the Board, said Monday at the Joy FM Super Morning Show that the new program aims to allow students to learn for life.

"If the program is designed to focus on badessment, teachers prepare students for exams."

"There is a complete change from the current thinking that learning means pbading an exam," he said.

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And this goal is a damning verdict on the program used since 2007. An early reading badessment showed that less than 2% of students can read with understanding, he said.

A national badessment of education for primary and secondary 2 and 4 shows that less than 20% of students are proficient in mathematics, which means that they have obtained at least 54% of the results of the badessment. Ghana was in 2011, he published more results.

In a Global Assessment, Trends in International Studies in Science and Mathematics for High School First Year Students, Ghana, ranked last in 2011.

Referring to these research findings, Dr. Armah concluded, "It is clear that our system is not working and that we need to fix it."

This solution took the form of a new program that prioritizes the acquisition of digital computer literacy, leadership demonstration, critical thinking and team building.

These skills and values, he said, are in vogue around the world and Ghanaian students may be overwhelmed if they are not ready to join the new international society. .

"We are trying to prepare young people to adapt to our development priorities: Ghana Beyond Aid, to self-sufficiency and you need a people with the mentality and values ​​to be able to move in this direction," he said. he explains.

Dr. Armah said that students will now be badessed at primary levels 2, 4 and 6 to determine how far the new values ​​have been soaked before the Basic Education Certificate (BECE) exams.

In kindergarten, the number of learning domains must be reduced from seven to four, which are incorporated into themes. However, these would be treated with more depth.

At the primary and lower levels, the number of subjects remains the same. However, there will be fewer concepts and a deeper treatment of the concept in each subject. In addition, the focus is more on literacy and numeracy.

Introduction of a program based on standards. This means that at each stage of the school, a student must demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the knowledge and skills that he is expected to learn as he progresses through his studies.

Dr. Armah explained, students will be encouraged in the new program to be more active in the learning process.

By projecting scenarios, he said, teachers are encouraged to stop shouting "Shut up, this clbad should be as quiet as the graveyard," and then organize the show in clbad from time to time asking "understand -you? "Yes sir" and then ordered to copy the notes.

But according to Ghana's new religious and moral education curriculum, students would be required to discuss with their clbadmates the early life of the three main religious leaders. They will sit in groups and play roles on some of the important aspects of the lives of these leaders.

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Students end up developing trust through discussions, which will improve their communication skills.

In another example, the Executive Secretary of the National Council of Curriculum and Assessment, explained that making the effort to answer questions in clbad would be part of the badessment instead of summarizing the student's quarterly effort during a written exam.

It will not be a learner-centered approach, but a learner-centered approach, which will move from one teaching to the other of speech to an atmosphere where children speak a lot. .

But the education expert admits that "the program alone can not solve all the problems".

Another type of teacher is needed and when training existing teachers, the The National Council of Curriculum and Assessment has put in place a new curriculum for teachers in training at colleges of education, said Dr. Armah. First year students need to learn differently to prepare them to meet the new student.

"It would take a lot of work," he said.

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