NDC accuses the government of diverting 17 GHc from NHIS to a private investment firm


The National Democratic Opposition Congress (NDC) has accused the government of illegally transferring more than 17 million GHc from National Health Insurance funds to a private fund management company, All Time Capital Investment.

Speaking at the party's "Moment of Truth" series in Accra on April 15, National Communications Officer Sammy Gyamfi said the deal was completed without any due diligence or risk badessment.

In recent years, the minority has expressed concern about the use of NHIS funds for useless programs.

This then led to the allocation of about 5 million GHC NHIS funds to corporate social responsibility.

Cape Coast Hospital is also concerned about the non-payment of health insurance claims for millions of Ghanaian cedis.

Mr. Gyamfi attributed the current financial difficulties of the project to the misappropriation of funds and other alleged fraudulent activities.

"Our careful investigations revealed that at the time of President Akufo-Addo's inauguration, the National Health Insurance Authority had transferred a huge sum of 17, 548, 370.20 GHc, supposedly in three installments. , to a private financial firm called All Time Capital Limited, which is considered investment. "


NHIA to pay debts to Cape Coast Hospital, others soon

We need GHC12.9b to provide quality health care to all Ghanaians –NHIA

"Irrefutable evidence at our disposal indicates that, despite the repeated efforts of the system to recover invested funds and accrued interest, they have failed. The company informed the National Health Insurance Board that this could affect certain payments if only the investment funds could be managed for an additional year. This situation contributes to the worsening of the financial situation of the plan. "

"The government has not undertaken any risk badessment. It is taxpayers who are supposed to fund the plan and pay the service providers so that our hospitals can be managed so that patients have access to quality care. But that 's what they chose to use for money and the money is stuck there. What did we do to hurt President Akuffo-Addo and his government? He asked.

NHIA spend funds for useless programs

The parliamentary minority accused the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) of spending money on useless programs.

According to minority health spokesman Kwabena Mintah Akandor, the allocation of about 5 million GHC funds from the NHIS to corporate social responsibility represents nothing more than unnecessary spending at the moment even where the system struggles.

The program would also have allocated 300 million GHC to ICT infrastructure and 10 million GHC to restructuring, among others.

"There are a lot of things going on at the NHIA and we have to come together and fight. Will you believe that almost every region, the NHIA owes them. Just yesterday, the Daily Graphic reported that Cape Coast Hospital was in distress and that almost every region was due three months, four months, and in some cases five months. And the amount the NHIA invests in other non-core functions is incredible.

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