Summary Flash: Season 5, Episode 18 – Why does Nora work with Thawne?


The CW The flash She came back this week and brought many answers about how Nora reacted for the first time by discovering her (suppressed) powers and how she ended up combining with the sworn enemy from his father.


After Barry threw his daughter and Iris into the pipeline – and after congratulating Sherloque for hiding his suspicions about Nora from day one – the team decided to plunge into his background via his diary. In doing so, we have seen Nora's past (circa 2049) flourish.

Flash Spoilers 5x18She began as a bizarre CSI, always late on a crime scene and obsessed with the long-unresolved case of Flash's enemy, Cicada. While Nora and her friend Cie / bestie Leah investigate a series of robberies, they infer that a speedster – the first that the city has seen since the crisis that has disappeared, The Flash – is at stake. resistors, they collide with the said speedster (which they nickname Godspeed), and Nora is zapped by him. When she arrives and accidentally triggers her powers, Nora goes around the city and crushes on a laundry truck, Barry Allen's style. Conscious of her potential, Nora is determined to take Godpseed, but decides that she must think like an evil seer to do it. Ergo's first visit to Eobard Thawne, to take his brain. Thawne immediately discovers clues that his visitor is a speedster, but he does not have much time left before he can offer help.

Leah shares with Nora that some metal found in his shoulder by the doctors does not make a shine, as is suspected, but an inhibitory chip. Which means that Nora did not "get" her Godspeed powers, she always had their. And only his mother could have been behind them crushing them. Taking the lead on the next Godspeed flight, Nora and Leah are once again confronted by the sinister speedster, who ends up killing him while Nora looks helplessly at him.

Coming back to the present day, we see the Flash team react to the reading of this tragic turning point. Iris for one regrets her actions for the future again and decides that the least she can do here and now is to give Nora a second chance. She leaves Pipeline with her company: "Do not make me regret that."

Before Team Flash, Nora continues her story and we find ourselves faced with an icy moment between mother and daughter when Future Iris returns from a film in Coast City. "You've been lying to me all my life," Nora roared. Iris explains that she took the drastic step to protect Nora – "of this city, metahumans, of yourself". Iris has already lost so much that she can not lose her daughter too. But "you just did it," Nora said before leaving.

Nora works with her boss to identify Godspeed as August Heart, after which Nora realizes that her flash is blue, just like Zoom's – ergo, he has to use Velocity 9, and his goal is to make a permanent batch. Nora makes another visit to Thawne, asking for her help to stop a speedster. And although he rejects the invitation in the beginning, he finally agrees.

Using the one-way phone on her phone, Eobard trains Nora as she catches Godspeed and drives her along the City City Citizen Media building and through her roof. While Godspeed pbades the satellite dishes, he is surprised by the microwave and KO'd impulses. After this big win, Nora asks Thawne to train him, but he notes, "My time on this Earth is coming to an end, showing a countdown to 1:13:31. Thawne laughs at Nora and asks, "What do you really know about Flash?" He guides her to the safe of STAR Labs, where Gideon greets the daughter of Barry and Iris and drops a large spoiler: your father was the flash! Gideon tells a video Barry recorded for his daughter while apparently facing the crisis. "I'm sorry I'm not here to help you learn to use your powers," he said. "Remember, sweet Nora, I love you."

Nora says, "I just wanted to see you, daddy" and maybe solve the unresolved case of the Cicada en route. Thawne showed him how to do that. Barry, however, can not help but note that Nora came back to Thawne several times after the Enlightenment and, even worse, after learning about the Reverse-Flash terror reign. "I do not trust you, Nora. And I can not have anyone here with us without trust … It's time for you to go home.

And on this note, Barry returns Nora in 2049 and strongly advises him do not to try to go back.

Before returning himself, Barry confronts Thawne. "One was not enough, you had to try to take my daughter too?" Barry glared, "You always thought you were so much smarter, but you lost. And now you will get what you deserve. Thawne, however, does not seem terribly hurt by Barry's words, as his countdown reaches 0: 10: 00 ….

What did you think of the episode "Godspeed"? And what does Thawne really do?

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