Skywalker theory created by Kevin Smith implies a "new religion" – / Movie


Kevin Smith Rise of Skywalker Theory

Writer / director Kevin Smith is one of the biggest celebrities Star wars fans, so it's not surprising that he has some thoughts on the new Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker trailer that debuted at the Star Wars celebration a few days ago.

Kevin Smith Rise of Skywalker Theory

Smith actually visited all of the The rise of Skywalkerbut he says he learned the title at the same time as everyone else and does not know much about the film beyond what he saw on the day of his visit. In a recent episode of his Hollywood Babble-On show, Smith put forward a "kick in the dark" theory about the possible meaning behind the film's title:

"The last film was The last Jedi. And if they are tell us what bading title? … The way Jedi has been used historically in these movies, including in the latest movie – "The Last Jedi, Jedis Must Finish", all this shit – and if that's it for them I say? And maybe the new religion [are the Skywalkers]? Did not it give you chills? And if that's it?

To be honest, theories very similar to this circulated immediately after the revelation of the title of the film and Smith had originally published this theory last Sunday; so I'm not sure that this theory should officially be "credited" to Smith himself – / Movie's Hoai-Tran Bui wrote about how the title might allude to the idea of ​​inheritance Luke Skywalker on the same day as the trailer. Nerdist wrote an article about this theory and we've been talking about it for a few podcasts.

And if you read Smith's quote and were impressed by the fact that he was not afraid to cry in the middle of the quote, which he often knew when he saw or talked about Star warsrelated content – it is terribly close a few seconds later. When his co-host, Ralph Garman, suggested to Skywalker to "supplant the existing order," Smith replied:

"Would not that be a bading drug? As, [Luke] was so bading important – like, I'm going to cry – of the universe, that from that moment, they named the following order: [him]. They are all Skywalkers. "

I only hurt Smith with crying. It is obvious by listening to him that he is really moved by this subject, and if he is pbadionate enough to Star wars cry about it, more power for him. It has become so commonplace that an emotional shock is almost expected at this stage. A title titled "The Rise of Skywalker Sound Track Titles Revealed, Kevin Smith Bawls in Response" would not be too much of an exaggeration. But good – like what you like!

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