It is badumed that Australians can eliminate tons of tinnitus without too much trouble.
But new figures have been published showing how much Australians consume alcohol each year.
While it's not surprising that we drank a lot, which is surprising, it's just how much heavy drinkers can swallow.
Statistics from the National Household Survey on the 2016 National Anti-Drug Strategy and the 2013 International Alcoholism Study found that the 10% of the biggest drinkers in Australia consumed just over half (54%) of alcohol consumed nationwide.
The report, released last week, says: "These heavy drinkers were more likely to be men and to live in remote areas, they were more likely to drink cask wine and pure beer and buy less expensive alcohol than other drinkers.
"In terms of risk behaviors, they were three times more likely than other drinkers to report driving under the influence of alcohol and about five times more likely to report having caused public unrest or verbally abused from time to time. "
The numbers indicate that these top 10 percentile people consume at least 3.1 standard drinks per day, which is 1.1 more than the daily national recommendation.
But although Australia has a reputation for drinking, it seems like we are equal in other countries of the world.
Credit: PA
The report continues: "In the United States, Kerr discovered that the top 10% of drinkers consume 55% of the alcohol.
"More recently, British researchers have shown that the largest consumers of alcohol, 4% of the British population, drank 30% of the total alcohol consumed and contributed 23% of the total income. industry."
The report urged lawmakers to look for cheaper alcohol-based products to see if there is a need to make changes to ensure public health.
Two of the suggested changes include taxing these products based on their volume, thus increasing the cost of a fool bag for example, or a minimum unit price.
Featured Image Credit: PA
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