How much should you move each day for a good night's sleep?


We know that a good sleep is the basis of good health. Do you want to lose weight? To sleep. Do you want to stress less? To sleep. Improve your memory? To sleep.

But for those who count sheep until there are more sheep to count, the solution to repair your sleep problems and regain your health is simple: move more during the day .

Scientists from the Sleep Research Society conducted a study of 75,074 postmenopausal women and found a direct link between increased physical activity during the day and a good night's sleep.

Participants who did 7.5 to 17.5 hours of activity per week were likely to sleep more than six hours and we were less likely to experience sleep disturbances.

Although those who moved less than 7.5 hours a week did not necessarily sleep less hours, they slept less well during those hours of closure.

In addition, people who are sedentary for more than six hours and sit more than 10 hours a day may sleep less.

"Higher levels of light physical activity and moderate intensity are badociated with better sleep quality, while higher rates of sedentary time are badociated with shorter sleep and lower sleep quality." ", concludes the study.

The Australian National Guidelines recommend that adults do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity or 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity each week. However, this study suggests that these current guidelines are not enough to improve overall well-being.

Although the study was conducted only on menopausal women (because sedentary lifestyles and sleep disorders are common in this group), it does not hurt to move a little more every day to see if your sleep habits are improving.

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