Samsung made a vertical TV to watch videos on a smartphone – TechCrunch


So it came to that. After years of angry mailboxes and commentators, the world of electronics is finally giving way and developing materials designed to view vertical videos. It's time to put it away, the shooters in portrait mode have won, and their price is that ridiculous 43-inch Samsung TV.

The Sero joins a handful of other new strange takes on the flat screen TV, but nobody talks more about the current state of affairs than this swivel set. The design evokes Facebook's upscale portal, with a dual screen. There is a landscape for standard viewing and a portrait for, you guessed it, social media.

It's a system that's primarily for millennia, according to the company's press materials – especially millennia with a budget to spend, north of $ 16,000. That seems like a lot to ask, but what do I know? I hold my phone sideways from the beginning.

The quantum dot QLED set includes a 4.1 audio channel, 60-watt speakers and your friend and mine, Bixby. He is due out in Korea next month, but I do not want to hold my breath for an outing to the United States.

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