Goldman Sachs turns to Main Street with Marcus and Apple Card


The investment bank was founded by Marcus Goldman 150 years ago and has been a major player in the banking industry for over a century.

Marcus' son, Henry, revolutionized business valuations, which led to the Sears Roebuck IPO in 1906.

The company has been the benchmark for investment banking for decades, helping to attract the Ford public to Disney.

And partners such as Henry Paulson and Jon Corzine became incredibly rich when the company was opened to the public in 1999.

The firm's reputation however went sour during the financial crisis, which ultimately resulted in one of the most interesting pivots in Wall Street history. Now, the company is attacking the usual consumer with a new digital banking product, Marcus, and a partnership with Apple.

Watch the video above for an in-depth look at the history of Goldman Sachs and the future of the firm.

– Hugh Son of CNBC contributed to this report and video.

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