A 21-month-old baby survives stage 4 cancer after a year-long treatment


A neuroblastoma was diagnosed in Molly Hughes while she was only 4 months old. After 130 days in the hospital and many cancer treatments, she is now in remission. ( Chelsea Hughes | Facebook )

A 21-month-old Kentucky baby has just gotten rid of cancer after a year and a half of chemotherapy and intensive medical procedures.

Molly Hughes was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma whereas she was only 4 months old. By the time the doctors discovered his illness, it had already spread throughout his body.

Thin chance of survival

Molly spent a total of 130 nights at the hospital on intensive treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation, immunotherapy and radiation therapy. Her chemotherapy lasted five rounds and, throughout this brutal period, Molly's family was confident that she could survive them all. After the results of her test returned to cancer-free status last week, Molly's mother is in a good mood.

"As if I had fallen to the ground after hanging up on the phone, I just hugged her for about five minutes," said Molly's mother Chelsea Hughes during her interview at the 13th. News. "We were so relieved, she is happy and playful and starts doing things again, but we still have to keep our guard."

Now that she has come out of the hospital, Molly is constantly playing outside and playing what she likes, according to her mother. She thinks it is all the prayers of her family and friends that helped Molly go into remission, and they pray that she will not have to repeat everything.

Because of all the cancer treatments, Molly lost part of her hearing, so she has to wear hearing aids. She is also using a new type of drug that will prevent the cancer from reoccurring.

What is neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma is one of the most common types of cancer in children and infants. Generally, the cancer is formed well before the birth of the baby, but it is usually detected much later, when the cancer has already ravaged the body.

Chances of healing are good if the disease is discovered early and, in Molly's case, the doctors discovered that she was only 4 months old. In this disease, a tumor is usually formed somewhere in the body, caused by immature nerve cells that grow into cancerous cells instead of functioning nerve cells.

This type of cancer is aggressive and particularly difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to those of other common childhood diseases. The first symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, constant tiredness and a swollen stomach.

Future for Molly

Now that she is in remission, Molly should always be cautious and take her medications so that her cancer can not come back. Neuroblastoma is usually at high risk of relapse. Molly has to go to the hospital every three months to be scanned. This will continue until she is five years old.

In the meantime, Molly just likes to play and run outside their garden. According to Molly's mother, they will be celebrating the delivery of their little girl to the beach, where Molly will have the chance to swim for the very first time.

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