A 55-year-old woman gives birth to her own grandchild because her daughter was born without a belly


A woman gave birth to her own grandson after her daughter was born without a stomach.

Emma Miles, 55, offered to replace her 31-year-old daughter Tracey Smith, who feared she would never have a child.

Her loving mother intervened and lost six stones to reach a healthy weight to get pregnant and give birth safely.

And nine weeks ago, she gave birth to a healthy little girl, Evie.

Now, Tracey will be celebrating her first Mother's Day Sunday with her granddaughter, all thanks to her generous mother.

Adam and Tracey, parents proud of the birth of Evie

Tracey said: "Every moment of grief was really worth it just to have our little bundle in our arms.

"I am very grateful to mom for her extraordinary gift."

Tracey discovered that she was lacking her productive organs as a result of a CT scan, whereas she had not yet had her period, at the age of 15 years.

The badyzes showed that she was born without a belly but that she had ovaries and fallopian tubes in working order.

At age 16, Tracey was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH), a condition that causes under-development or absence of the bad and uterus, although external badia are normal.

Baby Evie was born in January

Emma lost six stones to reach a healthy weight to get pregnant

The doctors told Tracey that she would never carry her own child.

By the time his mother Emma said that she would do everything she could to help.

But nearly fifteen years later, when Tracey and her husband, Adam, 40, were considering fertility treatment, they accepted Emma.

Tracey, a nursery, said, "When I was diagnosed, my world was flipped.I was heartbroken at the thought of not carrying my own child." always knew that I wanted to be a mom, even at 15 years old.

"Immediately after my diagnosis, my mother offered to do what she could to help.I knew she meant one day that she would carry my child for me.

Tracey with mom Emma and baby Evie

"Over the years, she talked about it in pbading, but we never really made a firm plan.

"It was only after meeting Adam and we became engaged in 2016 that he addressed the subject of children."

Tracey and Adam considered using a surrogacy agency, but were worried about obsolete surrogacy laws in this country.

Tracey explains, "The law in this country gives the surrogate – and her husband if she has one – all parental rights from birth and this seemed like a huge risk."

Instead, Tracey asked Emma, ​​a supermarket employee, if she had been serious when she had offered all those years ago.

Tracey said, "I remembered Mom's promise to me.

Tracey and Adam were allowed to be there for birth

"So the next time we met, I asked her if she really wanted to carry our baby.

"I was delighted when she replied," Of course, if. "She was waiting for me to ask."

Tracey's father, Robert Miles, 61, was very supportive – and wrote through an attorney that Emma and would happily give him parental rights to Adam and Tracey at the birth of the baby.

Then Emma, ​​of Lampeter, in West Wales, lost six stones and took hormone pills to prepare her body for pregnancy.

The process of in vitro fertilization involved taking a Tracey egg and fertilizing it with sperm in the laboratory – to place it in Emma's womb for it to grow and develop.

Emma, ​​Tracey's mother, became pregnant the first time

Against all odds, he was successful on the first try.

And on January 16, 2019, Evie Siân Emma Smith was born by caesarean section at 7 lb / 7 oz after a routine pregnancy.

Tracey, now living in Coventry, said, "Adam and I were allowed to both stay close to Mom when Evie was born.

"It was a moment of incredible emotion. I was so nervous that everything would be fine for mom and for the safe arrival of our baby.

Tracey and Adam o their marriage

Adam with his daughter Evie

"Adam saw Evie come to the world because of a reflection on the lamps in surgery and I just waited to hear that cry and I burst into tears of joy."

Now, Adam and Tracey have started the legal process of formal adoption of Evie.

Emma, ​​who is also mother of 24-year-old Nicola, said, "To discover that Tracey could not have children was itching.

"She rarely felt able to open it but when I had the opportunity right after her diagnosis, I remember sitting on her bed and saying:" I am here if you need me. "

Tracey and baby Evie

"Despite my age, I was not afraid to give birth at all.

"My whole goal was to do this special thing for my daughter.

"I do not feel more attachment to Evie than any other proud grandmother.

"Tracey is my baby and I have done everything for her to be mother.

"Now, I'm happy to go back to work and get back to normal.

"But I offered to redo everything if they ever want a little brother or little sister for Evie."

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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