A 96-year-old veteran seduces by his national anthem at the harmonica before the game of American football


A veteran of the Second World War receives well-deserved praise for his touching rendition of the national anthem performed by a harmonica.

On the eve of Memorial Day, Pete DuPré, 96, had the honor of presenting the starry banner before the match of the US national team against Mexico.

The crowd inside the New Jersey stadium burst with joy as DuPré hit the final scorecard.

The commentators described it as "remarkable" and one of them even said that it gave him chills while listening to the patriotic performance of the veteran.

Many on social media have also been moved by the national anthem.

A Twitter user, Nicholas, said "there is no better choice than this" and said that from now on, the stars and stripes should always be made with a harmonica.

The moment was particularly moving for another Twitter user who said it reminded her of her husband's grandfather, who was also a veteran of the Second World War and who would play the harmonica.

DuPré first met with members of the US Women's National Team earlier this year, when they traveled to the beaches of Normandy and were accompanied by World War II veterans.

After Sunday's game, the team shared a video of players saying goodbye to DuPré as they boarded the bus.

Raising of the American football banner before the match against May 26, 2019

Supporters support the US Women's National Team before participating in the Women's World Cup at a friendly international football match between the United States and Mexico on Sunday, May 26, 2019 in Harrison. , NJ. -0. (AP Photo / Steve Luciano)


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