A Baptist leader questions honesty in the approval of passport forms


Dr. Ernest Adu-Gyamfi, Executive Chairman of the Ghana Baptist Convention (GBC), questioned the honesty of some religious leaders and others authorized to endorse official documents such as the national pbadport. .

He added that the disturbing reality of non-Ghanaians in terms of access to Ghanaian pbadports raises the question of the integrity of the pbadport issuing process.

"Are the Reverend Ministers also compromised in one way or another in the performance of their duties? I do not pray, he inquired.

The Reverend Ministers are legally authorized officers to sign pbadport forms with implications for the country.

Implications for the ROPAA
With the planned implementation of the 2006 Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Representation of the People (ROPAA), there is serious concern about the likelihood of foreign nationals holding a Ghanaian pbadport participating in the electoral process in Ghana.

Hundreds of non-Ghanaians living outside the country have acquired Ghanaian pbadports by fraudulent means.

Reverend Adu-Gyamfi, a member of the ROPAA Implementation Committee, said it was necessary to exercise great circumspection in the duties of guarantor of pbadports in order to protect Ghana's interests. .

He addressed the 2019 Annual Session of the Baptist Convention of Ghana under the theme: "Spiritual Growth of the Minister: Attitude and Ability".

Political vigilance
Rev.Dr. Adu-Gyamfi also observed that the discussion on the limitation of militancy should be expanded to explore the employment areas of self-defense group members dismantled so that they can be engaged from profitable way.

"How can we engage these young men and women in a very positive way to make sure that they have something profitable to do that really feeds them and helps them get out of this whole situation," he said. he noted.

He said religious leaders are playing a mediating role in the quest for major political parties to talk about the end of political vigilance.

The GBC gathering at the Baptist Women's Retreat Center in Ejura, Ashanti Region, attracted all Baptist leaders from across the country.

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