A billionaire classifies Jesus Christ over his riches


Philip Ng Chee Tat, the richest man in Singapore, made headlines with his statements prompting reflection on the powerful influence of Christ Jesus in his life, beyond the billions he has.

The multibillionaire has proclaimed his unshakeable belief in Christ, testifying in several corporate platforms how life can be empty until someone surrenders to the Lordship of Christ Jesus. He insists that life without Jesus Christ is a broken life.

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During an interview with Believers Portal, a platform for Christian expression, Philip acknowledged the harshness of life on Earth and the need for humans to seek Christ as a shield in life. The affable billionaire is convinced that the void in people's lives and the depressions they feel are the result of the lack of recognition of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the power of deliverance in his name.

"I found out that we are all broken, we all have a missing piece. For me, I discovered that the missing piece was God in Jesus Christ, "said the billionaire. For Philip, the only way to achieve happiness and lead a fulfilling life is to admit that people tend to divert the true priorities of life. According to the business magnate, placing wealth above a real quest for Jesus Christ is risky.

"A better life, a better goal, a better self and a better whole. I looked at all the bad things, "he added.

The rich developer testified that all his wealth made no sense in his life until he had recourse to Christ.

"It beats a lot of money and material things you could have. It starts by accepting that you are broken and that there is a missing piece. For me, personally, this missing piece is our Lord Jesus Christ, "he said.

The Director General of the Far East Organization Center places his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ before the pleasures and treasures of life, claiming that he is a living testimony of God's grace and peace in Christ.

The billionaire has been a consultant for Sino Group projects in Hong Kong and China, with planning and leadership activities for development activities. He is also adored by a large pool of admirers through the breath of Singapore who see him as a voice of peace and unity in the country.

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