A bus with school children on an excursion to Afadjato will catch fire – Eagle Prophet


Reindolph Oduro, head of the chapel of God, Crown Prophet at the crown, known as the Eagle Prophet, made another prophecy. This time, it is about schoolchildren who plan to go on an excursion to Afadjato.

In an interview on Ghanacelebs.com broadcast on Radio 1, the Prophet announced that a school in the East region was planning to travel to Afadjato for an excursion, but that would turn into a disaster.

Speaking with Bishop Agbey Jnr Eagle, the prophet said: "There is a school here in the East Region that is considering going to Afadjato for an excursion, this trip should be canceled as their bus will catch fire on the way".

It is remembered last year that the Reindolph prophet Oduro Gyebi had predicted the accident when he had stated that God had revealed to him a planned excursion by a group of students to Kintampo.

Shortly after, prophecy made by the prophet was fulfilled.

Twenty partygoers, mostly students, were killed and several others injured after a large tree at the top of the Kintampo waterfall fell on them as a result of a strong rainstorm that hit that party from the country on a Sunday afternoon.

The victims – mainly students from Wenchi High School, Wenchi Methodist High School and the University of Energy and Natural Resources – reportedly went to the tourist site on the Pumpum River. , for a swimming and entertainment excursion. struck tragedy.

Michael Agyapong Agyapa
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