A Canadian couple kisses for a photo hidden behind the lion that they killed



A couple of Canadians kissing while they were posing for a photo kneeled behind a huge lion that they had killed while on a safari in South Africa.

Darren and Carolyn Carter were on a tour organized by Legelela Safaris when they shot and killed at least two lions – with images posted on the tour operator's Facebook page.

The couple, originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, operates a taxidermy business and has described himself as a "pbadionate environmentalist" despite his involvement in the hunt, reports the Mirror .

Pictures of the couple in the Kalahari desert. Credit: Facebook
Pictures of the couple in the Kalahari desert. Credit: Facebook

The tour operator shared the clichés of the couple next to the legend: "Work hard under the warm Kalahari sun … well done, a monster lion".

In another post, they wrote: "There is nothing like chasing the king of the jungle in the sands of the Kalahari! Congratulations to the happy huntress and to the team …. "

When the Mirror contacted the couple, Mr. Carter said, "We are not interested in commenting on that, it's too political."

Legelela offers giraffe hunts for £ 2,400, zebras from £ 2,000, and prizes for leopard, rhino, lions and elephant hunts available on request.

Carolyn Carter with one of the lions. Credit: Facebook / Legelela Safaris
Carolyn Carter with one of the lions. Credit: Facebook / Legelela Safaris

Eduardo Goncalves, member of the Campaign to Ban the Trophy. Hunting thinks that the lions the couple slaughtered were raised on a lion farm and were killed in a pen.

He added, "There is nothing romantic about killing an innocent animal, it looks like this lion is a tame animal killed in an enclosure, raised for the sole purpose of being the object of the killing. a sufficient selfie.

"This couple should be ashamed of themselves, not showing up and kissing for the cameras."

Temistocles Barbosa Freire was arrested. Credit: CEN / @ MPF_AC
Temistocles Barbosa Freire was arrested. Credit: CEN / @ MPF_AC

A few days ago dentist was part of a group of illegal poachers arrested for killing more than 1,000 protected jaguars.

Brazilian authorities arrested seven men in the state of Acre, in the north-west of the country, suspected of killing thousands of animals in danger, including jaguars, capybara, collared peccaries and deer.

Reports indicate that the oldest and most prolific gang member is Temistocles Barbosa Freire, a dentist who has illegally killed more than 1,000 jaguars since 1987.

Poachers with a jaguar killed. Credit: CEN
Poachers with a jaguar killed. Credit: CEN

According to reports, the Brazilian authorities allegedly hacked the gang's conversations and monitored their movements for at least three months before making the arrests.

At that time it is said that they killed eight jaguars, thirteen capybaras, 10 collared peccaries and two deer & # 39;.

Image credit: Facebook / Legelela Safaris

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