A couple gives birth to babies of other people in a "tearing" IVF mix | Social


A couple gave birth to twins, thinking that they were theirs, to find out later that there had been confusion between IVF and that the woman had been implanted with the baby of two other women.

The American-born couple, originally from Queens in New York, was forced to abandon their baby after discovering the mistake, according to a lawsuit.

The couple, named in court documents only under the names of AP and YZ, realized that something could go wrong when they were told that they were carrying two boys instead of girls that They were waiting. However, they were told that it was possible that there was an error on the sonogram.

However, the couple realized that the bad embryos had been implanted during the birth of twins of different race on March 30th. Tests have shown that babies do not have genetic relationships with the couple or with each other.

According to the New York Post, the Asian-American couple were desperate to have a child who had spent more than US $ 100,000 on doctor's fees, medicine, labs and travel expenses. But their dreams were broken and they had to abandon both children after discovering that they were not biologically theirs.

It was later discovered that a California couple was the biological parent of one of the boys. Anni and Ashot Manukyan, from Glendale, had to fight to keep their son from the Asian-American couple who carried the child, while he was already six weeks old.

Anni and Ashot Manukyan are also suing the CHA fertility center in Los Angeles for this mistake. Anni Manukyan said at a press conference: "Who wants to meet their child in the lobby of a hotel? It was heartbreaking. It was terrible."

Their attorney, Adam Wolf, said the case was "one of the worst tragedies in American history with regard to embryos".

Anni said she discovered that she had also been involved in the embryo of a stranger, but that it had not resulted in pregnancy. She said, "The ACS has deprived me of my ability to carry my own child, my little boy, and to be with him in the first moments of his life."

The implanted couple with the wrong embryo said that the experiment had left them with "permanent emotional lesions that they could not recover from," reports Metro UK. The parents of the second twin did not come out publicly.

Until now, the clinic has not yet commented on the case.

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