A diet rich in dairy products may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease


Study shows that higher intake of dairy fat reduces cardiovascular risk

New research (among the world’s largest consumers of dairy products) has shown that people with higher intakes of milk fat, as measured by fatty acid levels in the blood, have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those with low intakes.

The results of the study were published in the journal “PLOS Medicine”. Higher intakes of milk fat were not associated with an increased risk of death.

The researchers combined the results of this study in just over 4,000 Swedish adults with those of 17 similar studies in other countries, creating the most comprehensive evidence to date on the relationship between this more objective measure of consumption. milk fat, the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death.

Dr Matti Marklund of the George Institute for Global Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Uppsala University said that with the increase in the consumption of dairy products around the world, a better understanding of the health impact was necessary.

“Many studies have relied on the ability of people to remember and record the amounts and types of dairy products they have eaten, which is particularly difficult given that dairy products are commonly used in a variety of foods. ‘foods,’ said Dr Marklund.

“Instead, we measured the blood levels of certain fatty acids, or ‘building blocks’ of fats that are found in dairy products, which gives a more objective measure of dairy fat intake that doesn’t. not rely on memory or the quality of food databases. ”Dr Marklund added.

“We found that those with the highest levels actually had the lowest risk of CVD. These relationships are very interesting, but we need more studies to better understand the total impact on the health of the materials. fat dairy and dairy products, ”explained Dr. Marklund.

The consumption of dairy and dairy products in Sweden is among the highest in the world.

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