A dose of TRUTH: 25 years after the Rwanda massacre, writing on the wall for Ghana?


General News of Sunday, April 7th, 2019

Source: Oswald Azumah


Rwanda Sad The necessary precautions must be taken to avoid conflicts

As a child, you hear that bad things happen to people elsewhere or sometimes to your friends, but you are always invincible.

There is this thought that NO, God can not allow this to happen in my family.

That's true until one of those stories you've heard strikes you. Then you realize that even you are not in the shelter; if this happens to someone, it can happen to you if you do not take the necessary precautions.

As far as I'm concerned, it was the end of the afternoon of July 27, 2013. I had read and heard about people involved in accidents, but that Sunday, the reality was hit when a Toyota bus bound for Accra bounced me to Ho.

My left humerus was fractured, and looking at the x-ray, I did not know that I would get my arm back, but hey, I used the same arm to win a fight and I got my green belt.

Although I do not like to talk about the event, even if it does not really change my life, I can only tell it after seeing Rwandans tell their story that changed their lives 25 years later.

For those of you who do not know the story, on April 7, 1994, a 100-day genocide in Rwanda killed 800,000 people, of whom at least 500,000 were affected.

The two groups – Tutsi and Hutu – of the small country of East Africa had struggled for decades to dominate, of course under the influence of the "wise" Europeans.

On the 7th of April, the president who was a Hutu was badbadinated and the Tutsis were blamed for that. Despite their refusal, the Hutus engaged in a killing of all Tutsis until their Ugandan neighbor supported the Tutsi rebels in defending themselves and ending the genocide.

Despite media attention to the tribe or another clbad aspect, the heart of the conflict, like most, if not all, conflicts was power; who gets what, when and where (credit granted).

Looking at the political atmosphere of Ghana, only a naive person would feed the illusion that degeneration is not imminent; unless there is a radical change of heart on the part of these rogues.

The last proof? The by-elections of Ayawaso West Wuogon. Slowly, the media diverted its attention from the expected but never imminent peace talks between the two largest political parties that host militias who commit "small" acts of violence in their stead; accent, militias!

Nearly two months after President Nana Akufo-Addo ordered the two sides to begin talks, they are still fighting over the terms of the talks. I bet it would be easier to reunite Hitler and Roosevelt in the same room.

As we approach 2020, I sincerely hope that the members of these militias and their sponsors will learn from the mistakes of others; All the alarm signals are there, we can not say better.

Kagame, who was the leader of one of the factions during the Rwanda war, is alive today and president of the country. However, 500,000 people died, both Hutu and Tutsi, although Tutsis were more so because they suffered the mbadacre.

We can think that it is Ghana and that we are peaceful people, but the thought of the cat was also.

Da Yie!

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