A futurist who predicted September 11 and the GFC announces a "global crash by the end of next year"


Donald Trump will be reelected in 2020 just in time for a "global crash", Australian real estate prices still have a lot to drop and Facebook will be dead by here 10 years.

Scary way, over the next three years, a popular world leader will be murdered with the help of an autonomous drone technology, causing an international outcry.

These are just some of the predictions of futurologist Richard Hames – who correctly predicted 9/11 and the GFC, two of the world's biggest events of the last two decades – but it's not his "craziest".

"My craziest prediction is that within ten years, we will see an almost revolutionary change in our conception of politics, social enterprise and the economy," said Dr. Hames. , citing climate change and the growing gap between rich and poor. catalysts.

"Governments will look seriously at ways to limit personal wealth, challenging the capitalist framework, and we will turn away from growth at all costs to see how humanity will thrive without growth or even with negative growth. it's impossible, but it's not if you look at more things than just the economy. "

Futurist Dr. Richard Hames. Photo / provided
Futurist Dr. Richard Hames. Photo / provided

Hames believes that the Nordic countries will be the first to make this change and that "as always, Australia will be lagging a decade at a time".

"We have to change the way we think so that we cross the threshold," he said.

"We are at a standstill for the moment, unable to solve the problems."

The author and consultant, who describes himself as an "anticipatory futurist," has addressed hundreds of topics ranging from the future of conflict and labor to taxation, business and society, security food, international terrorism, smart cities, financial services, health care, science and alternative energy.

To promote his tour in Australia, Dr. Hames has issued a number of statements that make headlines, including that a second financial crisis is imminent.

"Since the global financial crisis, none of the structural dynamics has changed.In fact, I think they're getting worse," said Dr. Hames.

"There will be a global crash by the end of next year.

Regarding President Trump's outlook for 2020, he says that "much of its base is disappearing, but the economy is doing better in many ways than everyone else's." Was waiting for it ".

"Democrats are in disarray, that's a big part of that," he said.

"They are fighting, I say with almost 100% certainty that he will come back."

On the investor side, Hames said large cash flows "mainly from China fueling real estate prices are drying up".

"Homeownership has continued to fall since the GFC, and you see local investors pulling out of rental properties because of low rental yields," he said.

"All is not good.This creates worse conditions than before the last accident."

And on the drone's badbadination, Dr. Hames said that he was "surprised that this has not happened yet". Last year, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro was nearly killed by two drones loaded with explosives.

"The reality of what is happening in organizations such as the DARPA (Advanced Defense Research Projects Agency) in the United States has developed a technology of drone swarms," ​​he said. declared.

"There is now a technology that can monitor virtually anyone in the world at any time, especially if you're carrying a cell phone, and delivering toxic poison to anyone."

With AI-connected drones now able to fly independently and select their own targets, "you have a world waiting for such an event to happen".

"I think we will see this very soon, especially considering the antagonism between some world leaders and difficulties between Israel and Palestine and now Iran and the United States," said the Dr. Hames.

"The Middle East is just ripe for such an event."


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• "The new British Conservative leaders are looking for a radical neoliberal paradise and will do everything in their power to achieve the Brexit this fall.If they fail, the government may well be forced to a new referendum on the new regime. Europe in 2020. If this happens, a clear majority of voters could choose to stay in the EU. "

• "A war between the United States and Iran is based on two factors: the question of whether John Bolton is ruthless enough to organize a false flag attack on US badets and if Netanyahu's pressure persuades Trump to to make Iran a fallen state at war with itself, alongside ethnic and sectarian lines so as to no longer pose a threat to Israel ".

• "Before 2022, there will be an international outcry involving the use of autonomous drone technology to murder a popular world leader."

• "From here 2023, Facebook will be renamed Instagram." By 2028, we will not remember either, Facebook will become powerless to stop its own descent. "

• "The long-term future of urban transport relies on hydrogen fuel cells and not on electric vehicles." By 2030, 80% of public transport in Australian cities could be fueled with hydrogen. "

• "By 2035, it will be possible to manufacture almost everything we need: CO2, H2O, sunlight, PV electrolysers and genetically modified microbes."

• "The first country to build commercially melted fused uranium fission and / or thorium reactors will be rewarded by a gigantic global engineering company."

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