A Ghanaian visa with a length of stay greater than 19 years in Taiwan arrested for driving while intoxicated


General News on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Source: dailymailgh.com


Ali Hbadan Ali Hbadan was arrested by the police

A Ghanaian national, Ali Hbadan, who exceeded his work visa in Taiwan for 19 years, was arrested in Taipei for driving under the influence of alcohol and other road traffic offenses.

Daan District Police Chief Cheng Shuo-yao confirmed that the 58-year-old man was arrested on Sunday while driving a motorcycle in the wrong direction in the city in a one-way alley towards 18.30.

The Ghanaian was arrested by the police, but he spun, the police commander informed the press.

Hbadan began cooperating with the police when he was arrested for the first time but escaped when the police dropped custody. He was finally apprehended after another brief chase during which a policeman was slightly injured.

On-site tests have revealed with a breath alcohol content of 0.38 milligrams per liter, exceeding the limit of criminal liability set at 0.25 milligrams per liter.

The surveys reveal that Hbadan arrived in Taiwan in 2000 to work on a work visa and has been out of work for 19 years.

The Ghanaian will be charged with embarrbading a peace officer and endangering public safety while driving under the influence. The police are currently checking if he has been involved in other illegal activities in the last 19 years.

Under Taiwan's amended Road Traffic Management and Criminal Sanctions Act, motorcycle and scooter drivers convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol will be fined 15,000 to 90,000. NT $ (495 USD to 2,970 USD), a fine of 90,000 NT dollars.

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