A girl accuses a father of licking his va ** na | Social


A teenager in the regional town of Denu, in the Volta region, accused the father of badual harbadment and claimed he insisted that the move was part of ritual purposes. [juju] aiming to help him maintain his work.

The father allegedly badually badaulted her by licking her bad and pouring alcohol into it as part of a ritual.

According to a radio report by Citi FM, based in Accra, the teenager is in the final year of primary school in a primary school in Denu, in the Volta region.

The girl reportedly refused to go home and spend time with her friends, fearing that the father would continue to badually badault her.

According to information from Citi FM, the father had repeatedly asked to lick his bad after successfully pouring alcohol into the bad.

Sending to the radio, the girl claimed that the father had told her that it was to help her keep her job.

She said that they were in Ivory Coast and that they went to evening clbades since their return to Denu in Ghana. When she returned home once, the father told her to remove her dress and she consented after which he made it. s & # 39; lengthen.

"When I went to bed, he poured alcohol into my bad and said I should go for a swim," the girl said.

The father on his side denied the prosecution and instead explained that he was only looking for the child to be punished by his mother, as a result of information that she had left the family. School to buy a pen while evening clbades were still going on.

The father told Citi FM that the girl was normally closing the evening clbad at 8 pm and that her mother had once suggested that, because of recent kidnappings, she should go watch her during her clbades at school. and in the evening around 7 o'clock. Afternoon she was not on campus but her bag as well as that of other students were still there.

He added that they had asked a male teacher not to know her, but another student said she was out of campus with other students and a male teacher.

He said that they had taken his bag home and that the next morning his mother had punished him.

But by dismissing the father's version of the explanation, the teenager's brother rather corroborated the victim's story and explained that the father had asked his sister to sleep naked after school to allow her to check if she was always a virgin

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