A gorilla swallows 6.8 million nairas | Social


NIGERIA: According to the BBC, a gorilla has been accused of swallowing 6.8 million N in Kano zoos.
A finance officer at Kano Zoological Gardens said a gorilla had swallowed 6.8 million missing people under their watch.
The finance officer, according to state radio, Freedom Radio, said the gorilla had "been brought into their office" and had stolen the money before swallowing it.
The money was generated by tourists who visited the zoo during Eid celebrations. The zoo's general manager, Umar Kobo, confirmed that the funds were missing and that the problem was currently under investigation.
"The question is under investigation for the moment and I do not want to say anything about it, a lot of journalists have come to meet me but I do not want to say anything.What I can confirm, is that it is missing of money, "he told BBC Pidgin.
"Yes, it is true that money from Kano Zoo is lacking at five days of festivities in Sallah," BBC spokesman Abdullahi Haruna told BBC, adding: security man and those who work in the finance unit.

Source: BBC

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