A Japanese spacecraft fired a crater in an asteroid


A Japanese spacecraft fired a crater in an asteroid

TOKYO. The Japanese spacecraft "Hayabusa 2" yesterday launched an explosive device on the Ryugu asteroid to blow up a crater in the celestial body.

A Japanese spacecraft fired a crater in an asteroid

The shadow shows "Hayabusa 2" Image: APA / AFP

Parts of the fluidized material must collect the spacecraft and bring it to Earth. The projectile exploded as planned 40 minutes after launch. The maneuver 300 million kilometers from Earth was extremely demanding. The probe had to approach the asteroid at 500 meters. At a speed of two kilometers per second, the projectile flew to a selected target area. The resulting crater should have a diameter between three and ten meters. "Hayabusa 2" will land later in the artificial crater and collect samples. In order not to be touched by flying debris, "Hayabusa 2" is temporarily hidden behind the asteroid. If the impact has been successful, it will be seen in the coming weeks.

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