A jester who swapped the labels on the Tesco meat and vegetable lasagna provokes fury


A joker was described as "simple in spirit" after being touted to have changed labels on vegetarian and meat products in their local supermarket.

The person provoked his indignation after a screenshot of their Facebook post was shared by a Facebook group.

Next to a photo of lasagna with vegetables next to a meat product, the "joker" wrote: "Some mornings, I like to spend at Tesco and change the sleeves in cardboard just for fun. "

But most people who saw it were far from being impressed.

After being shared by a group called Northern Ireland Craic, a stunned commentator wrote: "It's fun and you play until you accidentally kill an allergic person."

The post immediately drew sharp criticism

Another wrote, "It's not funny and is incredibly immature and irresponsible.

"Anyone who wants to do this for" lols "needs a good kick."

And the page was criticized for sharing the image – which bears the name of the obscure jester.

Many have commented that trading tags could be dangerous

A Facebook user wrote: "By posting this message, you could give a simple minded ***** a stupid and carefree idea that could get someone to be hospitalized with a deadly reaction. "

A spokesman for Tesco told the Sun: "We are aware of this publication on Facebook and are monitoring the situation."

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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