A lawyer confirms that the case of rape against Cristiano Ronaldo was referred to the Federal Court


The case of rape against Cristiano Ronaldo was dropped in civilian court and instead moved to a federal, it was confirmed.

Kathryn Mayorga's lawyer, who claims to have been raped by Ronaldo in 2009, confirmed that the case had not been completely abandoned, as previously announced, but had instead been referred to federal court.

"Basically, we just changed sites, but the claims and lawsuits are still ongoing," Larissa Drohobyczer's lawyer told TMZ Sports.

The inability for Cristiano Ronaldo to be sued by Nevada as a result of an alleged badual badault in 2009 led the prosecution's lawyers to abandon the case in favor of a federal trial.

Criminal record, @CristianoThe accuser is asking for $ 200 million in damages. pic.twitter.com/thjd58IzEB

– ONE J. Perez (@byajperez) June 5, 2019

Mayorga's legal team is still waiting for confirmation from the Italian government that Ronaldo was served with the court documents.

Mayorga initially filed a police report naming Ronaldo, but she then explained that she had been paid $ 375,000 to stay silent. She is now seeking to cancel this agreement.

Ronaldo has not been formally charged yet, but last October the Juventus transmit published a statement where he "firmly denied "the allegations.

"I strongly deny the charges against me. bad is an abominable crime that goes against all that I am and in which I believe, " Ronaldo wrote. "As clever as I can be to erase my name, I refuse to feed the media show created by people seeking to promote themselves at my expense.

"My clear conscience will allow me to wait with tranquility for the results of all investigations."

For months, Kathryn Mayorga's lawyer tried to notify Ronaldo of the complaint she had lodged against him. She claims to have been raped by Ronaldo – but he does what he can to avoid the papers. https://t.co/LpfxfYUcxr #FootballLeaks

– Christoph Winterbach (@derWinterbach) June 5, 2019

The German publication Der Spiegel, which published the initial allegations, further weighed in by saying that "the game of cat and mouse "that surrounds it to receive the documents of the court can not be played forever.

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