A Legal Resource Center trains 15 people as paralegals in the Western Region


The Legal Resource Center hosted a one-day training workshop for some 15 selected individuals who were trained as paralegals in the Western Region.

People have been selected in and out of four districts in the region; Mpohor, Enchi, Sekondi-Takoradi and Shama.

This training is part of the ongoing three-year Legal Resources Center project, with support from the European Union, which aims to train legal badistants throughout the country whose mandate is to manage the system of protection of the family and juvenile justice while promoting well-being. children, prevention of violence; exploitation and abuse, child protection and the promotion of juvenile justice.

And it is nicknamed "Justice for Children: bridging the gap between legislation and practice".

As part of the expected outcomes, the project's mandate is to engage, train and empower paralegals to better understand the ethical and legal frameworks for effectively preventing and protecting children of all ages. forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

In the broader context of the country's child justice system, the project aims to ensure that children in conflict with the law are properly protected and their rights promoted through the necessary interventions.

Legal badistants should visit the various state institutions, such as the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), the police, the Department of Social Welfare, the Immigration and prisons, among others, to obtain information on the protection of minors, because it is institutions where reported to.

The project also created a network of lawyers in the 10 former regions of Ghana to provide legal services to children in the courts.

Legal badistants were also made aware of the need to preserve the confidentiality of information about parties involved in an arbitration or mediation process.

In addition to providing legal services to minors in the courts, the project also aims to provide legal education or legal services to people who can not afford the services of a lawyer, in the form of paralegals on the basis alternative litigation. Resolution Mechanism (ADR).

Clarke Noyoru, a private lawyer who sensitized participants through the project's training manual, stated as paralegals that she was supposed to ensure the confidentiality of her efforts to ensure justice for children, as well as the protection and strengthening their rights.

Mr. Noyoru again advised participants to refrain from doing anything that would compromise their paralegal work to ensure justice for children and vulnerable people who come into conflict with the law.

To this end, Lawyer Noyoru urged security agencies to offer legal badistants the best possible collaboration, when they come to their offices to get information and badistance.

Enock Jengre, Project Manager at the Legal Documentation Center, warned legal badistants to ensure that they respect their mandate so as not to abuse processes or take the necessary steps that go to Against the concept of the project.

He said that as paralegals, they did not have the power to deal with cases deemed to be tried by the court.

He told them to ensure that such cases are referred to the court for an appropriate decision and to follow up on the final disposition of the case.

Source: Daniel Kaku

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