A major side effect of not getting enough sleep on weight gain, new study finds


We all have days when we’re lethargic, maybe even cranky, when suddenly the idea of ​​an indulgent snack seems like the perfect way to brighten up the mood. A candy bar or bag of chips can be a nice pick-me-up. However, new research suggests that feeling lazy may be associated with your calorie intake in ways you never realized. The good news is, you may be able to fix it.

We all know that overeating can lead to weight gain and even obesity in the long run, but quitting a snacking habit is usually easier said than done. The problem seems to affect a lot of people, as a recent poll found that seven in 10 Americans never leave the house without a snack. Likewise, another poll found that just under half of Americans polled (48%) routinely keep a “snack stash” hidden even from their closest loved ones for secret snacking.

If you’re working to build healthier habits, new research from Ohio State University just published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics may interest you. Read on to learn more about the surprising connection between sleep patterns and snacking. Also, don’t miss this new study that just uncovered the # 1 weight loss lie about eating nuts.


The OSU research team reports that not achieving at least seven hours of sleep per night is associated with increased consumption of snacks high in carbohydrates, added fats, sugar, and caffeine.

So why does neglecting sleep lead to more snacking? The study authors explain that when we stay awake late, we give ourselves more opportunities to eat carelessly. It’s a simple equation: if you sleep, you can’t snack!

What’s more, this research reveals that almost everyone, regardless of their sleep patterns, prefers salty or sweet foods and soft, non-alcoholic drinks at snack time. This is another reason why people with poor sleep habits end up ingesting more unhealthy calories on a daily basis.

It is universally recommended that adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night in order to maintain ideal health and well-being, and sleep deprivation has long been linked to a long list of health problems like an increased risk of heart disease. and obesity. Yet this study goes even further by drawing a straight line between lack of sleep and more unhealthy snacking. “We know that insufficient sleep is linked to obesity on a larger scale, but it’s all these little behaviors that are ingrained in how it happens,” said Christopher Taylor, lead author of the study. , professor of medical dietetics in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Ohio State University.

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The study analyzed data from nearly 20,000 American adults between the ages of 20 and 60. All of this information was originally collected between 2007 and 2018 for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a health survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each participant completed a series of dietary surveys on their daily eating and sleeping habits.

Using this data, the research team separated the subjects into various categories based on the amount of sleep they were getting, the nutritional value of their usual snacks, and the usual time of day to eat. which these snacks took place.

Subsequent analysis produced a number of revelations. For starters, most participants (95.5%) said they usually ate at least one snack per day. Over 50% of all snack calories among all participants came from, you guessed it, unhealthy foods and drinks such as sodas, energy drinks, chips, cookies and pastries.

Notably, compared to adults who regularly slept seven or more hours a night, those with less than ideal sleep patterns were more likely to eat a snack in the morning. They also ate more snacks with little or no overall nutritional value.

This finding about morning snacks is important because it shows that not all snacks happen in the evening. One possible explanation for this is that those who don’t get enough sleep need more caloric energy to get started in the morning (due to insufficient sleep).

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A woman raids the refrigerator late at night for a snack.

Another important part of these results is the observation that nighttime snacking has particular consequences, as many people avoid strenuous workouts or activities.

The end result is that those extra calories go to bed with you, instead of being burned off from activity.

“At night, we drink our calories and eat a lot of cooked meals,” Taylor explained. “Not only do we not sleep when we stay awake late, but we adopt all of these obesity-related behaviors: lack of physical activity, increased screen time, food choices that we consume as snacks and not as meals. . creates that greater impact of meeting or not meeting sleep recommendations. “

RELATED: It’s The Worst Nighttime Snack For Your Waistline, According To Expert


There are plenty of reasons to prioritize sleep, but the researchers hope their findings will encourage at least a few readers to get to work sooner. In addition to refreshing you, a regular sleep schedule also promotes healthier eating.

Sticking to sleep recommendations is also linked to not doing things that can harm your health, Taylor concluded. “The longer we stay awake, the more opportunities we have to eat. And at night, those calories come from snacks and sweets. Every time we make these decisions, we introduce calories and things that are linked to increased risk of. chronic disease, and we don’t get whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

“Even if you’re in bed and trying to fall asleep, at least you’re not in the kitchen eating,” Taylor said, “so if you can get to bed that’s a point. departure. “

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