A man arrested after crossing the doors of Buckingham Palace


A man was arrested after crossing the doors of Buckingham Palace, where Queen Elizabeth II currently resides, officials said Thursday.

The 22-year-old, who was not armed, was arrested Wednesday around 2:00 am (01:00 GMT) and the incident is not treated as a terrorism case, police said.

The Sun reported that the intruder was free in the palace compound for about four minutes before the arrest.

A palace spokeswoman confirmed that Queen Elizabeth, who held her regular weekly meeting with Premier Theresa May later Wednesday, was staying at the palace.

There have been several security breaches in and around the palace over the years.

In 1982, Michael Fagan entered Queen Elizabeth's private room while she was bedridden.

Last year, a homeless man climbed the walls and fell asleep at night before being apprehended.


Last updated: Thursday, July 11, 2019 KSA 11:15 AM – GMT 8:15 AM

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