A man arrested after shooting down an alleged "wizard"


Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Source: mynewsgh.com


Iddrisu Ziblim Iddrisu Ziblim was arrested for the murder of an 80 year old man

Police in the northern region confirmed the arrest of 30-year-old farmer Iddrisu Ziblim, who killed an 80-year-old man. He is accused of being a wizard and is therefore responsible for the death of his father.

Iddrisu Ziblim accused the late Mumuni Neendoo of being responsible for his death at the age of 72 after his illness in Kunyavula, an agricultural community in the region.

The deceased reportedly visited the suspect's home in order to sympathize with the death of his father, but Iddrisu Ziblim came out of anger and rushed into the room. He returned with a single gun and shot him to death.

After the incident, he reportedly fled the community until his arrest by the police, who allegedly revealed that after investigation, he would be taken to court and charged.

Superintendent Otuo Acheampong, Criminal Operations Officer of the Northern Regional Police Command, confirmed the arrest at MyNewsGh.com but declined to comment further on the case.

Meanwhile, the suspect Iddrisu Ziblim is in custody and should be brought to court later this week.

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