A man imprisoned for shooting the horse, his horse | Social


A leader who shot his rival leader at A-Lang, a Muslim community in Accra, was sentenced to 12 months in prison by a district court.

Without any provocation, the convict, Adam Fuseini Walla, shot his rival leader, Mohammed Wazari, on June 26, 2016, during Eid's prayers, disrupting prayers.

However, he missed his target after two attempts but managed to shoot a horse belonging to the complainant. Unfortunately, the horse was mortally wounded and died the next day.

Subsequently, Mr. Walla was arrested after the incident and police officers who were on the prayer ground recovered him with a firearm.

According to the police, the convict was taken to the Odorkor police station, but managed to escape thanks to the help of some 50 heavily – built men who have stormed the premises of the police station and took him away.

Mr Walla was subsequently prosecuted for three counts of unlawful weapons release, animal cruelty and escaping from legal custody.

He pleaded not guilty to all charges, leaving the onus on the prosecutor to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

The prosecutor called four witnesses, while the convict also opened his defense and called a witness.

In his testimony, Mr. Walla told the court that he had a pump gun that he usually loaded from home before moving, but that he was late this that day he could not charge it.

According to him, on his way to the place of prayer, he decided to load the pistol. In doing so, a Mallam Hamza came to call him by putting his hand on his shoulder. The fire has also fired and struck one of the three horses tied to a pole.

He said that he did not know that the horses belonged to the complainant.

After the trial, the court presided over by His Honor Aboagye Tandoh felt that the prosecution had presented evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and had subsequently sentenced the accused for the three counts. charge.

Mr. Walla was sentenced to 12 months of forced labor for escaping a lawful detention.

He was also fined 60 and 300 shillings for being charged with unlawful acts of firearms and cruelty to animals.

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