A man who lost his entire family during a crash on Ethiopian Airlines could not return Home | Social


"I lost my wife Carole, my three children Ryan, Kelly and Ruby and my mother-in-law.I feel so lonely.I look people.I see them with their children playing outside and I can not have my children – I will never be able to see their faces or hear their voices. "

Paul Njoroge lost his entire family when Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed six minutes after the departure of Addis Ababa on 10 March. 157 people died.

Paul now lives between the houses of his friends, unable to return home. He can not stand to see his children's shoes still in the hallway where they left them last. "I can always see their feet inside of them – I will never come back." He's waiting for parents to pack.

When the ET302 crashed, it was the second Boeing 737 Max that crashed in four months.

The first one was produced in Indonesia in November 2018. Preliminary reports revealed that the same flight control system was involved in both accidents. Today, families around the world want to know why 157 people died in a second accident.

They ask why the jets did not fall to the ground after the first accident?

Paul Njoroge's family was killed in the accident of the 737 Max 8

Timeline: Boeing crashes

* October 29, 2018: A 737 Max 8 operated by Lion Air crashes after leaving Indonesia, killing 189 people on board.

* January 31, 2019: Boeing announces an order of 5,011 Max aircraft to 79 customers.

* March 10, 2019: a 737 Max 8 operated by Ethiopian Airlines, resulting in the death of 157 people on board.

* March 14, 2019: Boeing lands the entire fleet of aircraft crash 737 Max

* July 3, 2019: Boeing says it will give $ 100 million (£ 80 million) to help families affected by accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

Chris and Claryss Moore's daughter, Danielle, was also killed. A corner of their suburban home in Toronto is now a bright but emotional sanctuary for their lost child. She smiles on a dozen paintings hung on the wall, surrounded by orchids and lilies.

Danielle was heading to a United Nations conference on the environment in Kenya.

"It should not have happened four months after another crash, they tell us it's one of the safest planes – it's not the case – it's cost the lives of those we love so much and no matter what they say, our normal lives will never be the same.

It is our normal life, we have trouble waking up every day and it is difficult. It makes me very angry. "

An international blame game is in progress. US Congressman Sam Graves, alongside other voices in the United States, accused the "foreign pilots" of being behind the accident, claiming that the pilots Americans would have managed the jet.

But the two preliminary reports indicate that the flight control system (MCAS) is involved.

The families of the people killed are queuing to ask if the Boeing 737 Max was airworthy and safe when the accident occurred.

"My family has died as a result of negligence, arrogance, management malfunction and lack of internal oversight from Boeing and the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)," said Paul Njorogre.

"They had the opportunity to put these planes on the ground in November, but they did not do it.They focused on a mistake made by foreign pilots." 157 people died, including my family, because of bad decisions.If they really care about life and security, they would have put the planes on the ground in November and they would have solved the problem.They let the planes fly then that they were trying to solve the problem.They did not resolve it until March 10th. "

Nadia Milleron and her husband Michael Stumo live in western Mbadachusetts, United States. It's peaceful.

Their family home is surrounded by forests and mountains. Their daughter Samya Rose Stumo was 24 years old and was aboard the ET302.

She is the second of four of the couple's children to die. They also lost a son of cancer.

"It was like a horrible dream," says Nadia. "And I keep thinking of all those people I meet, who are going to Washington, to all those experiences that I live, they are awful because they mean that Samya is gone." And I do not want it to be I am still thinking that I will wake up. "

Nadia was listening to the BBC World Service Radio when accident information came for the first time. She knew that Samya was on board. An hour earlier, she had received a Whatsapp message that gave her information about her flight.

"I just started shaking and I could not stop myself from shaking physically," she said. "I just could not tell other people in the house."

In one month, Nadia and Michael transformed their incredible sense of loss and grief into a remarkable energy force.

They are now determined to understand why Boeing did not stop the planes after the first crash, namely whether Boeing managed to save money on the 737 Max and why the FAA certified it as being sure to fly.

To date, they have met more than 25 congressional men and women in Washington, as well as a powerful presence at the US government aviation hearings.

They have not been allowed to testify, but they want to make sure families are included in the investigations.

Critics ask if the development and launch of the Boeing 737 Max have been rushed. They say that Boeing was losing to an Airbus aircraft and suggest that overlaps were made to allow Max to operate.

"Obviously, my daughter died because of Boeing's profits and I do not want anyone to die for that reason, I want these planes to be safe and secure. [for Boeing to] invest in the company and in the hardware and infrastructure needed to secure our aviation sector, "said Nadia.

The BBC has approached Boeing for an interview and comments on all of these allegations. They declined.

In a statement, Dennis Muilenburg, Chairman of Boeing, said: "We are sorry for the tragic loss of life caused by these accidents and we express our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of all who are on board. unacceptable, and this will continue to weigh heavily in our hearts for years to come.The safety of air pbadengers is our top priority and we are striving to regain their confidence in the months to come. "

Earlier in the week, Boeing announced it would provide $ 100 million for the "family and community needs of those affected by the tragic accidents of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302".

"These funds will be used to fund the education, hardship and living expenses of affected families."

The families we spoke to are not impressed. They do not want money. They want answers.

Chris Moore believes criminal prosecution should be initiated. "If there is any kind of personal guilt, they should be convicted under criminal laws.If I put someone else's life on a construction site, I have to prove that I am innocent, in front of a criminal court, why is Boeing different? "

Paul Njoroge thinks that the crash of ET302 could be avoided, "but these people knew that they would not be held criminally responsible, they would not risk years of imprisonment.But if they knew that They would be sentenced to years of imprisonment, they would have November. "

The families of the victims are all searching for answers.

Some treat their grief in private, still too overwhelmed by what happened.

Others have the power and determination to express themselves – and this is starting to become uncomfortable for Boeing.

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